项目名称: 聚合物功能化的金属氧化物复合纳米界面为信号载体高灵敏电化学检测细胞白血病基因
项目编号: No.21205057
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 分析化学
项目作者: 张伟
作者单位: 临沂大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 本课题拟将纳米金属氧化物、复合纳米界面和电化学DNA生物传感技术相结合,针对目前电化学DNA生物传感器存在的灵敏度还不能完全满足实际样品检测的需要、传感界面与DNA固定、杂交的相互作用机理的研究还不够深入等问题,利用纳米金属氧化物支撑的高有序聚合物复合纳米界面作为信号载体直接、高灵敏电化学检测细胞白血病相关基因序列。首先可控构建具有优异自身电化学信号和生物相容性的聚合物功能化的金属氧化物复合纳米界面,然后根据纳米界面的功能基团、结构与形貌等特点,实现探针DNA固定的有序化和最大化的平衡,进一步与目标基因进行杂交。探讨聚合物功能化的金属氧化物复合纳米传感界面对DNA长程电子传递的影响、复合纳米界面与DNA固定、杂交的相互作用机制,最终以复合纳米界面自身电化学信号实现细胞白血病相关基因如PML/RARA、BCR/ABL等基因的直接、高灵敏和高选择性检测。
中文关键词: 复合纳米界面;金属氧化物;聚合物;自身信号;细胞白血病基因
英文摘要: Aiming at the existing problems of electrochemical DNA biosensors, such as the unsatisfied sensitivity for detecting real sample and the unclarified effect mechanism of the sensing interface with DNA immobilization and hybridization, nanosized metal oxide will be combined with composite nanointerface and electrochemical DNA biosensing technology to directly and highly sensitively detect cell leukemia gene with nanosized metal oxide supported highly ordered polymer composite nanointerface as the signal carrier. Polymer-functionalized metal oxide composite nanointerface with fine electrochemical self-signal and biocompatibility will be constructed, and then ssDNA probes immombilized on the nanointerface according to the functionalized groups, structure and morphology features of the nanointerface will be furtherly hybridized with the target gene. The influence of the polymer-functionalized metal oxide composite nanointerface on long-distance electron transfer of DNA and the effect mechanism of the composite nanointerface with DNA immobilization and hybridization will also be discussed, and the ultimate purpose is to realize the direct, highly sensitive and seletive detection of cell leukemia gene such as PML/RARA, BCR/ABL and so on based on the electrochemical self-signal of the composite nanointerface.
英文关键词: composite nanointerface;metal oxide;polymer;self-signal;cell leukemia gene