项目名称: 云南辣椒双生病毒种类及致病性研究
项目编号: No.31260421
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 丁铭
作者单位: 云南省农业科学院
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 粉虱传双生病毒(Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses,WTGs)是一类对全球范围内热带及亚热带地区多种作物危害严重的植物DNA病毒。云南是我国WTGs的主要集中分布区之一,该病害在茄科作物上暴发流行,造成严重危害。前期调查研究发现,在云南低海拔地区双生病毒是辣椒的主要病原之一,其种类多样性复杂。本项目拟在前期研究基础上,以云南辣椒WTGs为研究对象,系统研究为害云南辣椒的WTGs的种类、分布、自然条件下的病毒种群结构及病毒的变异特征;探索WTGs辣椒分离物对辣椒、番茄等系列寄主的致病性差异;了解高致病性病毒分离物和beta卫星分子的核苷酸序列特征;明确不同分离物接种病株的烟粉虱传毒效率。从而为该类病害的防控提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 云南;辣椒;双生病毒;种类;致病性
英文摘要: Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses(WTGs; genus Begomovirus ; family Geminiviridae)are significant groups of plant pathogenic DNA viruses responsible for economically devastating diseases of many crops throughout the tropics and subtropics regions of the world. Yunnan province is one of the major concentrated distribution areas of WTGs in China. Bgomoviruses cause destructive diseases in several solanaceous crops in Yunnan. The preliminary research showed that begomoviruses were found to be one of the major pathogeny infecting pepper plants in the low altitude region of Yunnan province, and the species diversity was complicated. Based on our previous results, this project will focus on the species, the distribution, the natural population structure and the mutation types of the pepper isolates of begomoviruses in Yunnan. We will distinguish their pathogenicity differences in various hosts including pepper, tomato etc. We will also dissect the characteristics of DNA-A and β satellite nucleotide sequences of high pathogenicity isolates and the efficiency of wthitefly(Bemisia tabaci) transmitting begomoviruses amongst the various plants infected by the different infectious clones. The above results obtained in this study will provide scientific basis of preventing and controlling the begomoviruses' diseases of the p
英文关键词: Yunnan;pepper;begomoviruses;species;pathogenicity