项目名称: 基于SysML的多域产品系统层集成建模研究
项目编号: No.61070064
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 刘玉生
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 12万元
中文摘要: 长期以来,产品系统层的创新能力远弱于底层构件的创新能力。基于模型的系统工程及标准建模语言SysML 正成为其重要的解决途径。然而,复杂机电产品的行为十分复杂,设计者无法基于静态的结构、行为等模型来评价其设计是否满足要求,只有通过动态、反复的仿真才能对众多的设计方案进行评判、对比与优化。因此实现反复而又高效的仿真分析已成为迫切需要。 本项目将着力解决其中系统层设计与分析集成时信息集成模型如何表示这一核心问题:通过对SysML 建模能力的扩展,研究具有不同细节层次、模块化可重用的系统层分析构件的表征方法;建立基于SysML 的离散/连续混合行为的统一分析语义表征方法,并考虑到不同细节层次的需要,建立多细节层次的系统层统一行为分析模型。
中文关键词: SysML;多物理域;系统层;集成模型;复杂机电产品
英文摘要: Generally, the creativity for system level is much lower than that for low level. Model based systems engineering(MBSE) and its standard modeling language SysML is becoming the promising solution. However, the behavior of complex mechatronics is very complicated, it is difficult for the designer to evaluate the correctness of design only based on the static structure and behavior model. Dynamic and repeated simulation is imperative for evaluating, comparing and optimizing the candidate design schemes. The project will focus on information integrated model for the integration of system level design and analysis: a uniform representation method is given for construct the reusable, system-level analysis components with different levels of details; a uniform analysis semantics representation model is given for hybrid discrete and continuous behavior based on SysML. Furthermore, a multi-level system-level uniform behavior model is also given with the consideration of different level of details.
英文关键词: SysML; Multi-Domain; System-level; Integrated model; Complex mechatronics