项目名称: 基于云计算的视频智能处理与编码
项目编号: No.61272316
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李厚强
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 云巨大的计算、存储、数据资源和云中复杂应用、多样终端、异构网络、海量数据等为多媒体应用带来了机遇和挑战。本课题拟研究的关键科学问题:云环境中如何同时应对海量数据和大规模复杂应用,并能即时提供高品质多媒体服务。本课题的研究内容包括:适应云环境的视频智能处理和视频表达与编码。本课题突破多媒体智能处理和视频编码传统紧耦合的研究方式,创新性地提出:1)基于潜机器学习和潜数据挖掘的智能处理方法,可伸缩地实现高层语义的模式识别;2)基于中间媒体的视频表达形式,其通过简单处理即可快速生成适配网络环境、终端设备和复杂应用需求的可伸缩码流。本课题拟基于云平台,通过对视频数据进行潜智能处理,生成简洁化、结构化、智能化的中间媒体,根据具体应用需求,将中间媒体即时编码为适配码流,通过互联网快速流畅地传给用户。本课题预期在海量多媒体数据云处理的理论、方法、技术上有较大突破,为制定适应云环境的多媒体国际标准奠定基础。
中文关键词: 云计算;多媒体智能处理;视频编码;视频适配;数据驱动
英文摘要: Cloud computing, with its powerful capability of computing and storage and with its large-scale data resource, provides unprecedented opportunities for IT industry. However, as an emerging computing infrastructure, various heterogeneities in services, devices, networks, plus the requirements of instantaneous responses to the bursts of simultaneous large-scale data access and processing, bring about great challenges to the cloud-based multimedia applications and services. How to support complex and even unpredictable multimedia services as well as manipulate large scale data at the same time to provide good quality of experience (QoE), becomes one of the crucial and fundamental problems for cloud-based multimedia processing. This proposed project includes two main research issues: 1) cloud-based video intelligent processing technology; and 2) cloud-aware video representation and coding method. For the sake of breaking the tight coupling between multimedia processing and application, we propose in this project: 1) to investigate multimedia intelligent processing method based on latent machine learning (LML) and latent data mining (LDM), which is able to achieve scalable recognition; 2) to develop a type of cloud-aware video representation, dubbed Intermedia, based on which the fast generation of scalable video cod
英文关键词: Cloud Computing;Multimedia Intelligent Processing;Video Coding;Video Adaptation;Data Driven