项目名称: 电动汽车用非稀土类磁场增强型宽调速永磁电机及其驱动控制技术研究
项目编号: No.51477069
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 朱孝勇
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 近年来,稀土永磁等战略资源供应源不稳定、价格持续攀升已成为制约稀土永磁电机及电动汽车等新能源汽车快速发展的不利因素之一。本项目将磁场增强、可控磁通等电机设计理论融入非稀土类永磁电机,提出一类电动汽车用新型非稀土类磁场增强型宽调速永磁电机。该电机及系统,克服了现有稀土永磁电机价格较高的不足,同时具有高功率密度、高效率、宽调速范围等优点。本项目旨在研究该类具有新型拓扑结构电机的基本工作原理和设计理论;归纳出该类电机数学建模和仿真、多目标电机设计与优化的一般方法;提出复杂运行工况下该类电机多模式驱动控制策略及其动力系统高效运行理论。本项目的研究,将为非稀土类永磁电机及系统在电动汽车中的应用提供理论基础和技术支持,同时也将为缓解稀土永磁危机对电动汽车发展的不利影响,探索实现电动汽车高效驱动的不同电机类型,促进电动汽车的长期稳定发展,提供有益的帮助。
中文关键词: 永磁电机;非稀土永磁电机;电动汽车;电机控制;控制策略
英文摘要: In recent years, as one of the important strategic resouces, the increasing price and shortage of the rare-earth material have become one of negative factors to the rapid development of new energy vehicles. In this project, by incorporating the theory of flux intensifying and flux controllable motor into the non-rare earth permanent magnet motor, a new flux-intensifying non-rare-earth permanent magnet motor and drive system are proposed for electric vehicles (EVs), where the advantages of high power density, high efficiency and wide speed range can be obtained. Basic operation principle, mathematical modeling and simulation as well as multi-objective optimization design method will be investigated in details. The multi-mode driving strategies will be investigated under different operation conditions. Moreover, multi-objective optimization theoretical model and the optimal control strategies will be studied to obtain the high efficiency of the whole drive system. The project will explore the alternative motor type for EVs and alleviate the crisis of rare-earth material to the development of the EVs, which can also lay a theoretical foundation and provide experimental results for the applications in EVs.
英文关键词: permanent magnet motor;non rare earth permanent magnet motor;electric vehicle;motor control;control strategy