项目名称: 基于振动参数变化以识别FRP加筋板内分层损伤的研究
项目编号: No.51508118
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 张芝芳
作者单位: 广州大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 纤维增强复合材料(FRP)加筋板是近代飞机和航天器中最基本的结构形式之一,它不仅保持了FRP层合结构的高比强度和高比刚度等优点,加强筋的引入还极大地提高了结构的承载能力。然而,FRP加筋板在应用当中容易发生筋条与基板的剥离以及基板内的分层,这些分层损伤在外观上难以察觉但却会极大地弱化结构的刚度和承载力,使其不能按照设计的状态和寿命服役,甚至导致整体结构的失效而造成严重的生命财产损失。因此,对这类在重要工程领域有着广泛应用的FRP加筋板进行分层损伤的早期检测十分重要。目前,对含损FRP加筋板的研究主要集中在损伤的扩展、结构的屈曲和后屈曲等方面,对含损加筋板的动力响应特性研究较少,而考虑使用振动参数变化对FRP加筋板中的分层损伤进行识别的报道则更少。因此本课题拟在考察FRP加筋板的振动特性的基础上,研究通过振动参数的变化来识别FRP加筋板中的分层损伤,课题具有基础研究创新意义和广阔的应用前景。
中文关键词: 损伤检测;分层;纤维增强复合材料;加筋板;振动
英文摘要: Stiffened fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) panels are commonly used for aerospace structural applications due to their outstanding weight/strength and weight/stiffness ratios and the greatly enhanced load carrying capability by additional stiffeners. However, FRP stiffened panels are susceptible to inter-laminar damages such as debonding between stiffeners and skin panels and delaminations in the panels. Since inter-laminar damages are insidious and can cause significant reductions in the flexural stiffness and load carrying capacity, the FRP stiffened structures may serve without noticing such damages and fail to work before the designed lifetime or even collapse suddenly leading to severe loss of lives and properties. Therefore, it is significant to detect and assess the delamination damage in FRP stiffened panels at an early stage. Currently, researchers mainly focus on the delamination propagation, buckling and post-buckling of the delaminated FRP stiffened panels. Only a few have studied the vibration characteristics and dynamic response of FRP stiffened panels, and even less, if not none, have reported the detection of delaminations in stiffened FRP panels through changes of dynamic parameters. In this project, the vibration response of the FRP stiffened panels will be firstly investigated and then the vibration-based delamination assessment for stiffened FRP panels using changes in dynamic parameters will be developed.
英文关键词: Damage detection;Delamination;FRP;Stiffened panel;Vibration