项目名称: 基于YIG薄膜与FBG/DFB补偿的全光纤电流互感器研究
项目编号: No.51307036
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 沈涛
作者单位: 哈尔滨理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 针对光学电流互感器(OCT)由于存在双折射、温度对测量的影响以及长期运行稳定性会降低而仍未能在电力系统中得到大面积推广应用的问题,本项目将研究一种基于YIG薄膜与FBG/DFB补偿的全光纤OCT策略。该策略可将电力传输理论、磁性材料理论、光纤传感理论与技术有机结合。通过理论分析,给出YIG薄膜的磁光特性变化和生长规律,进而提出并获得适合OCT实用化的YIG薄膜;进一步,提出了利用FBG传感技术获取OCT传感头温度变化规律,并给出利用DFB激光器实现解调策略的温度补偿方法;利用仿真方法实现传感头光路结构的优化策略;通过实验来论证研究方案的合理性和实用性。 本项目所提出的新策略,既易于实施又能够从根本上解决OCT实用化道路上的障碍,为促进OCT的实用化提供了一种切实可行的新方向。
中文关键词: 全光纤电流互感器;磁光石榴石薄膜;光纤布拉格光栅;分布式反馈激光器;
英文摘要: Optical current transformer(OCT)is not used widely in electric power system because of the presence of birefringence, effect of temperature on measurement, and the decrease in stability after long-time running.In this project we study an OCT strategy based on a YIG magneto-optic garnet films and FBG/DFB compensation.The power transmission theory, the magnetic materials theory, and theory and technology of optical fiber sensor are combined organically together in this strategy.The Magneto-optic properties change and the growth law of the YIG is provided by the theoretical analysis, and we propose and obtain a new doped YIG magneto-optic garnet films, which is suitable for the practical application of OCT. The law of the temperature change for OCT sensor head is further proposed by the FBG-based sensor technology and the temperature compensation method is suggested by utilizing DFB laser to realize the temperature demodulation strategy. Then, the light path structure of the sensor head is optimized by simulating method.Finally, the rationality and practicability of the research program are verified by the experiment. The new strategy proposed by this project is easy to implement and can overcome fundamentally obstacles on the road to the practical application of OCT. It provides a new feasible direction for promot
英文关键词: all fiber optical current transformer;magneto-optic garnet flims;fiber bragg grating;distributed feedback laser;