项目名称: 基于超材料的声学黑洞结构设计理论研究
项目编号: No.11302135
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 许卫锴
作者单位: 沈阳航空航天大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 最新研究成果已经证明了声学黑洞的可设计性,而声波超材料在实现声波的完美吸收和绕射方面具有极大的应用潜力。本项研究旨在建立基于超材料的高效黑洞吸收性能的结构拓扑优化理论和方法。具体包括:研究声波在材料中的传播和透射规律及声振耦合分析方法,分析有限尺度问题的阻尼、尺度效应对声波传播的影响规律,建立声波传播特性参数对微结构描述参数的依赖关系,为声学黑洞的实现提供辅助的分析手段;研究微结构构型演化的描述方式以及声阻抗分析技术,研究声学黑洞材料与结构一体化设计的拓扑优化方法,建立声波超材料包覆层(或视界)创新构型拓扑优化设计问题的提法和求解方法;基于声学变换方法及拓扑优化技术,实现大尺度及复杂形状的声学黑洞或声学透明,并实现实际材料分布的拓扑构型设计,最终设计几种典型的声学黑洞结构。
中文关键词: 声学黑洞;超材料;变换声学;拓扑优化;微结构设计
英文摘要: As a novel material, the acoustic metamaterial with its unique properties has great applications potential in achieving perfect acoustic absorption and diffraction, and the designability of acoustic black holes have been proved. This study aims to establish a systematic approach and general method for designing acoustic black holes, which with efficient absorption performance based on the metamaterials. The main content included: (1) The propagation and transmission properties of acoustic wave in metamaterials and the acoustic coupling analysis method will be studied, the impact of propagation property affected by the damping or size effect will be analyzed, and the parametric model of propagation property depends on the geometric and material properties of the composite microstructure will be established. This will provide some auxiliary means to the realization of the acoustic black holes. (2) By using the topology optimization techniques, the description of the configuration evolution and the acoustic impedance analysis technique will be studied, the optimization method of integrated design for the acoustic black holes will be analyzed, and the formulation and the solving algorithm of designing the event horizon will be established. (3) Based on the transformation acoustics, the large and complex shape of aco
英文关键词: Acoustic black holes;Metamaterials;Transformation acoustic theory;Topology optimization;Microstructure Design