项目名称: 考虑表/界面效应的微纳米压电声子晶体波传播特性研究
项目编号: No.11202021
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李凤莲
作者单位: 北京信息科技大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本项目基于边界元法研究微纳米压电声子晶体波的传播特性;探讨表/界面效应的影响以及计算方法的合理性。主要内容包括:首先针对较简单的二维纳米孔压电声子晶体,采用边界元法计算考虑表面效应时的能带结构,分析压电效应及表面效应对压电声子晶体波传播特性的影响,探索边界元法的有效性和收敛性等问题;在此基础上,研究考虑表/界面效应的含夹杂的压电声子晶体的能带结构,考察晶格结构、夹杂形式、材料参数、表/界面参数等对能带结构和带隙宽度的影响;进一步针对含有缺陷的微纳米压电声子晶体和微纳米压电声子晶体中的表面波,采用边界元法研究考虑表/界面效应时波的传播特性,同时分析算法的收敛性;结合上述理论和数值分析,开展相关的试验测试,来进一步验证计算方法的合理性及表/界面效应对波传播的重要影响。该项目的研究将为声子晶体带隙的调控提供新的思路,为微纳米压电声子晶体用于声学功能器件的设计提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 声子晶体;表/界面效应;压电效应;能带结构;传输谱
英文摘要: The project aims to investigate the wave propagation of the micro/nano scaled piezoelectric phononic crystals based on the boundary element method, and explore the significance of the surface/ interface effects and the reasonability of the calculation method. The main contents include: First, the band structures of the relatively simple two-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystals with nanosized holes are calculated by using the boundary element method, the influence of the piezoelectric effect and the surface effect on the wave propagation are analyzed, and then the validity and the convergence of the boundary element method are discussed; on this basis, the band structures of the piezoelectric phononic crystals involved arbitrary inclusions with the consideration of the surface/interface effects are investigated, and the influences of the lattice structures, inclusion shapes, material parameters and the surface/interface parameters on the band gap characteristics are analyzed; further, the wave propagation of bulk waves in the micro/nano scaled piezoelectric phononic crystals with defects and the surface waves in the micro/nano scaled piezoelectric phononic crystals are studied by the boundary element method, on which the surface/interface effects are analyzed, and simultaneously the convergence of the algo
英文关键词: Phononic crystal;surface/interface effect;piezoelectric effect;band structure;transmission spectral