项目名称: 离子型金属-有机框架材料的设计、合成与离子交换功能化研究
项目编号: No.51272231
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 钱国栋
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 基于功能离子可与离子型金属-有机框架材料中的可移动离子交换的特性,利用离子交换的方式将功能离子引入离子型框架,通过客体离子组成和含量的调节,实现性能可剪裁的新型主-客体功能材料的高效、模块化设计、制备和功能化。从构成金属-有机框架材料的金属配位单元和配体的荷电性考虑,探索离子型金属-有机框架材料的形成条件,拟建立和完善离子型框架材料的制备方法学。考察离子型框架材料的孔道几何特征对离子交换动力学过程的影响,制备多种基于离子型框架的功能材料,研究客体离子对主体材料性能影响及主-客体材料的构效关系。为离子型框架材料和基于此的主-客体功能复合材料的设计、制备和应用奠定理论和实验基础。通过项目的研究获得相关领域中的自主知识产权,发表SCI 收录论文12篇以上;申请发明专利3-4 项;参加国际学术会议与交流3 人次以上,邀请合作者来华访问交流3 人次;培养博士生、硕士生5 名以上。
中文关键词: 金属-有机框架材料;离子型框架;主客体;功能化;离子交换
英文摘要: The exchange of mobile counter ions in ionic metal-organic frameworks (IMOFs) with various type of functional ions make it possible to develop novel host-guest materials with tailored performances modularly and efficiently by tuning the components and content of guest ions. New approaches to preparation of IMOFs is proposed by taking consideration of the charge properties of metal-ligand coordination unit and the ligands. The synthetic conditions of desired ionic frameworks will be attempted and optimized, with the aim to establish the preparation methodology of IMOFs. We are aiming to clarify the influence of geometry features of pores on the dynamic processing of ions exchange, develop a variety of host-guest functional materials based on ionic frameworks, and further investigate the influence of guest ions on properties of the parent hosts and the component-structure-properties relationships. This study will give a deeper insight to design and prepare IMOFs for host-guest systems that provide a platform for customer-defined properties. During this study, it is expected to own independent intellectual property rights in this field, publish over 12 SCI papers, apply 3-4 patents, participate in several international conferences, invite experts to China to exchange ideas, and train 5 graduate students.
英文关键词: metal-organic frameworks;ionic framework;hoest-guest;functionalization;ions-exchange