项目名称: 超声波在线监测环氧基复合材料的固化过程及动力学研究
项目编号: No.51303138
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 赵瑾朝
作者单位: 武汉纺织大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 热固性聚合物复合材料的固化过程是化学交联和物理凝固共同作同的结果。与传统的红外(IR)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、动态热机械分析和流变测试相比,超声波在线监测法能够实现对复合材料固化行为的实时反馈及完整表述。本项目以环氧树脂/二氧化硅(EP/SiO2)体系为对象,通过在线采集其等温固化过程中的超声波信号,计算复合体系动态力学行为参数(纵向储能模量、纵向损耗模量、损耗角正切值)随固化时间的变化,研究SiO2粒径、填充量,及其在EP中的分散与界面相互作用对体系固化过程的影响规律,阐明超声信号与复合体系动态力学行为之间的关系。并以Hsich非平衡热力学涨落理论为基础,对复合体系进行固化动力学分析。通过与IR、DSC和流变学结果进行比对,建立复合体系真实的固化动力学方程,合理预测体系固化过程中的力学行为参数,实现对复合材料固化过程的有效监控。为高性能EP复合材料的研发提供实验基础和理论依据。
中文关键词: 超声波;在线监测;环氧基复合材料;固化过程;固化动力学
英文摘要: The curing process of thermal-setting composites is the synergistic results of the chemical crosslinking and physical solidification. Compared with the traditional Infrared Spactra(IR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Rheology test, Ultrasonics In-line Monitoring method is able to achieve real-time signal feedback and complete statements of the composites curing behavior. This research is based on the epoxy resin/silica (EP/SiO2) composites system. The isothermal curing process of EP/SiO2 composites will be synthesized by real-time acquisition of ultrasonics signal. The longitudinal storage modulus, longitudinal loss modulus and loss tangent during the curing process will be calculated. The effect of SiO2 particle size, filling content, dispersibity and interfacial interaction with EP matrix on the curing process of composites will be discussed. And the relationship between ultrasonics signal and the dynamic mechanical behavior of the composites system will be revealed. According to Hsich's non-equilibrium thermodynamic fluctuation theory, the curing kinetics of EP/SiO2 composites will be investigated. Compared with IR, DSC and rheology test results, the curing kinetics equation of composites will be established. The results will predict the mechanical behavior parameters
英文关键词: ultrasonic;on-line monitoring;epoxy matrix composites;curing process;curing kinetics