项目名称: 临近空间大气风、温时空变化特征及低层大气活动对其的影响
项目编号: No.41275046
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李倩
作者单位: 中国科学院大气物理研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 临近空间区域大气风、温的时空变化特征,在全球气候变化和大气环境变迁中起着重要作用。因为观测数据和方法的限制,目前人们对临近空间大气动力结构仍缺少全面和正确的了解。作为大气圈的重要组成部分,临近空间大气和低层大气之间有着紧密的耦合关系和相互作用。低层大气活动包括大气行星波传播和大型火山爆发(以1991年Pinatubo火山为例)对临近空间大气风、温的分布和变化都存在潜在的影响。通过利用最新的气象同化资料MERRA和中高层大气模型HAMMONIA,本项目将研究临近空间大气风、温的时空分布特征和变化规律。应用HAMMONIA模型模拟,来分析大气行星波的传播和大型火山爆发对临近空间大气的可能影响和作用机制。其中,不同类型的大气行星波(包括定场行星波和自由或者瞬变行星波)将会分别讨论。同时利用模型模拟敏感性试验方法,来研究大型火山的各项因素对临近空间大气风、温的不同作用。
中文关键词: 临近空间;大气风;温;低层大气活动;大气行星波;大型火山爆发
英文摘要: The atmospheric temporal and spacial variations in the Near space play an important role influencing the global climate and atmospheric environmental change. The atmospheric dynamics in Near space are still not fully understood yet due to lacking of data and limitation of observations. As a considerable part of whole atmosphere, Near space shows strong connections and interactions with lower atmosphere. Activities in lower atmosphere including atmospheric planetary wave propagation and great volcanic eruptions (e.g. the Pinatubo eruption in 1991) are known having potential influences on wind and temperature variations in Near space. By analyzing the state-of-the-art MERRA meteorological assimilated data and by using the middle-upper atmospheric model HAMMONIA, we will focus on the temporal and spacial distributions and variations of wind and temperature in Near space. By using HAMMONIA modeling, the effects of both atmospheric planetary wave propagation and great volcanic eruptions on Near space will be investigated. On the other hand, we will analyze the role of stationary planetary waves and free/transient planetary waves, individually. Also, by applying modeling sensitivity experiments, the different aspects of great volcanic eruptions and their impacts on wind and temperature in Near space will be explored.
英文关键词: Near Space;atmospheric wind and temperature;activities in lower atmosphere;atmospheric planetary wave;great volcanic eruptions