项目名称: 基于度量优先树搜索的高性能Gbps软输出MIMO检测器研究
项目编号: No.61306026
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 贺光辉
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 下一代无线通信系统在发送和接收端都采用多根天线和高阶调制技术来支持超过1Gbps的传输速率,其走向实用化的关键是软输出MIMO检测器。然而软输出MIMO检测算法复杂度高,硬件实现难度大,成为无线通信与微电子领域迫切需要研究的难点。本项目以树搜索算法中具有最高效率的度量优先检测为研究对象,研究高性能、Gbps吞吐率的度量优先软输出检测器。根据度量优先检测同时在横向和纵向进行搜索的特点,探讨子空间并行和层间并行算法;然后通过低复杂度复数域节点枚举方法和信道自适应提前终止策略的研究,降低访问节点的个数;并针对度量优先检测VLSI设计的瓶颈,重点研究基于二叉堆的高效节点存储机制与存储结构。通过算法和VLSI结构的协同优化,在不依靠多个检测器叠加的方式下,设计近似最优检测性能、低面积消耗的Gbps软输出MIMO检测器。研究成果可望为下一代无线通信系统算法研究和芯片设计提供新思路并奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: MIMO检测;VLSI;并行搜索;迭代算法;
英文摘要: In next-generation wireless communication systems, gigabit data rate transmission can be achieved by increasing modulation order and employing multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver. Soft-output multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detector is of great importance for the deployment of commercial MIMO systems. However, soft-output MIMO detection algorithm has posed the bottleneck for algorithm research and integrated circuits design of future wireless communication systems, because the huge complexity brings the difficulty of hardware implementation. In this project, we focus on the modified metric-first detection algorithm which has the best efficiency among the tree search algorithms for MIMO systems, and plan to propose a low complexity and high performance parallel algorithm and architecture for metric-first tree search detector. Firstly, according to the search ability both at horizontal and vertical orientation, we investigate the parallel sub-space detection in breath orientation, and the parallel level detection in depth orientation. Secondly, in order to decrease the number of visiting nodes during the tree search, we design the complex node enumeration approach and channel-adaptive early termination strategy for the detection algorithm. Then we will propose the efficient binary heap
英文关键词: MIMO Detection;VLSI;parallel search;iteration algorithm;