项目名称: 基于多案例库协同推理的老年人健康评估方法研究
项目编号: No.71301040
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 顾东晓
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 20.5万元
中文摘要: 我国正面临日益严峻的人口老龄化重大挑战,研究老年人健康评估问题具有时代迫切性和重要社会意义。本课题针对老年人健康评估动态演化和多案例库协同的特点,研究和提出基于多案例库协同推理的老年人健康评估方法。具体研究内容包括:研究和建立跨组织深度协作的老年人健康案例分类管理与资源共享模型;研究和建立老年人健康多模态、动态和不确定性案例信息的知识表达、融合方法,建立面向全生命周期健康过程的本体演化知识模型;构建老年人健康多案例协同推理的分层模型,研究考虑时空关联的基于过程匹配老年人健康评估多案例知识获取方法、多案例推理协同优化建模,以及多案例集成方法;研究基于群体一致性和集成隐性知识的老年人健康评估集结模型与方案智能化生成方法;研究和开发实验平台开展实验研究。该研究可拓展案例推理研究和应用领域,为我国老年人健康评估提供思路、方法、技术和手段支持。
中文关键词: 老年人;健康评估;多案例库;协同案例推理;智慧健康
英文摘要: The elderly health assessment is one of the hotspots and frontier topics in the research area of public health management studies. Based on the characteristics of dynamic evolution and muti-community collaboration in the elderly health assessment,a novel elderly health assessment method based on collaborative multiple case-based reasoning is proposed and its main research contents include:an elderly people case classified management systems and resource sharing model for multiple community collaboration,an uncertainty knowledge representation and fusion methodological system for multimodal, dynamic case information based the elderly health information evolution,a ontology evolutive knowledge model considering the whole life cycle process of the old people, an multi-case collaborative reasoning layered model for the elderly people,and an methodological system of knowledge acquisition based on the process of matching case and time-space correlation, as well as optimization method for collaborative promotion of multiple case-based reasoning modeling and integration; an elderly health assessment model and intelligent assessment scheme generation method based on group consistency and integration of tacit knowledge; the research and development of experiment platform to carry out experimental study. This research ca
英文关键词: the elderly;health assessment;multi-case bases;collaborative case-based reasoning;smart healthcare