项目名称: 浙江千岛湖底泥中有机氯污染物的时空分布及生态风险
项目编号: No.21207030
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境化学
项目作者: 杨华云
作者单位: 杭州师范大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 浙江千岛湖作为国家一级饮用水保护区,是杭州市乃至浙江省重要的饮用水源地,淳牌有机鱼和农夫山泉更是享誉中外。然而,千岛湖湖区底泥面积超过1/3历史上都曾经是良田,由于有机氯农药(OCPs)过去长期的使用,其环境残留与污染不容无视。本项目试图对千岛湖湖区沉积物中22种OCPs的残留水平和手性OCPs对映体过剩的测定,提供具有对映体特征性的OCPs的时空分布,对该水域沉积物中OCPs的污染现状进行全面评估。并将结合组分分析,主因子分析及对映体比测定等手段,分析污染物的可能来源并预测污染趋势。项目将进一步借助半制备手性色谱柱,制备手性OCPs的纯对映体,并以大型蚤为受试生物,通过急、慢毒性实验,评价污染底泥生态毒性的对映体选择性,综合评估拟研究水域沉积物中OCPs的污染生态风险。本研究希望掌握千岛湖水域OCPs污染的确实情况,为历史遗留的生态环境高风险区的管理及人类健康保障提供基础数据及科学依据。
中文关键词: 千岛湖;底泥;有机氯污染物;手性;生态风险
英文摘要: As a national drinking water protection area, Zhejiang Qiandao Lake is an important drinking water source of Hangzhou and even of Zhejiang Province. What's more, Chun Fish and Nongfu Spring is renowned in the world. However, more than 1/3 of the sediment areas in Qiandao Lake used to be fertile, where organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were heavily used owing to the developed agriculture. In the present project, residual levels of 22 OCPs and enantiomeric excess (EE) values of chiral OCPs in sediment of Qiandao Lake will be determined. The purpose is to provide information about contamination data of OCPs with enantiomeric features, and comprehensive assessment on the current contamination situation of OCPs in Qiandao Lake. Furthermore, using component analysis, major factor analysis and enantiomeric ratio (ER) value, sources recognition of OCPs and trend of pollution were investigated. Likewise, pure-enantiomer, obtained on semi-prepared chiral stationary phases by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, was used to study the enantioselective toxic effects of chiral OCPs on Daphnia magna. Ecological risks of OCPs in sediment in the study areas were also discussed. The project can provide basic data and scientific basis for environmental management of high risk areas and protection of human health.
英文关键词: Qiandao Lake;sediment;organochlorine pesticides;chirality;ecological risks