项目名称: 超低噪声光纤干涉仪稳频激光器研究
项目编号: No.11274324
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李唐
作者单位: 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
项目金额: 93万元
中文摘要: 超稳激光器不仅仅是原子光频标的重要组成部分,还广泛应用于超低噪声微波信号的产生、喷泉钟的升级、光频传输网络、引力波的测量以及相对论的验证等。目前世界上所使用的赫兹量级的稳频激光器最多的是采用基于Pound-Drever- Hall(PDH)方法锁频的超稳腔稳频激光器。这种稳频激光器具有优良的性能,经过多年在超稳腔材料、形状和安装方式上的研究,目前稳频激光器的线宽可以达到亚赫兹量级。尽管超稳腔稳频激光器性能十分优良,但是它也存在着一些缺点:光学结构复杂,需要光路和腔的空间模式精确匹配;系统昂贵,体积巨大,对环境参数敏感;不容易对激光器的频率进行调节。本项目拟实现的光纤干涉仪稳频激光器频率噪声低,结构简单,环境敏感度较低,体积小,频率可调谐,并为超稳激光器的小型化、可移动化打下基础。
中文关键词: 原子钟;光纤干涉仪;超稳激光;低振动灵敏度;热噪声
英文摘要: Ultra-stable laser is not only a key element for optical frequency standards, but also has a variety of applications in the field of generation of low-phase-noise microwave signals, improvement of atomic fountain clock, transfer of stable optical frequencies, tests of relativity and so on. Currently, most Hz linewidth lasers are realized by stabilizing laser frequency onto an ultra stable high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity with PDH method. The cavity-stabilized laser exhibits excellent performance and the effects of the cavity's material, shape and mounting were sufficiently studied. As a result, sub-Hz linewidth laser sources have been developed. However, this approach is expensive, bulky, fragile and requires stable and fine alignment of free space optical elements and complicated optics. Moreover, the PDH method is not convenient to tune the laser frequency. In this project, we will develop an ultralow noise laser frequency stabilization by using an optical fiber interferometer as a frequency reference. The fiber-interferometer stabilized laser is realized by all-fiber optics and simple, robust, frequency-tunable and in this way we can demonstrate a compact, transportable ultra-stable laser.
英文关键词: Atomic clock;Fiber interferometer;Ultra-stable laser;Low vibration sensitivity;Thermal noise