项目名称: 分级多孔Cu/ZnO@H-MOR双功能核壳催化剂的构建及其催化二甲醚与合成气一步法制备乙醇性能研究
项目编号: No.21503137
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 伞晓广
作者单位: 沈阳化工大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 分子筛膜包覆金属氧化物构成的核壳催化剂,凭借分子筛独特的孔结构和催化性能与核催化剂有机结合呈现出优异的催化特性而备受关注。然而传统的微孔分子筛与实心结构的核催化剂由于流体动力学限制和传热限制,降低了反应效率。针对此问题,本研究提出构造高透过性Cu/ZnO@H-MOR核壳催化剂的设想。内核为具有分级多孔结构的Cu负载ZnO纳米线编织空心球催化剂,通过水热法在其表面包覆一层微-介孔复合H-MOR分子筛膜,形成核壳结构。该结构可有效改善反应介质在催化剂间的传质、传热问题。利用该催化剂的双功能性,将其应用到二甲醚(DME)与合成气一步法制备乙醇反应,通过核壳催化剂间活性位的协同作用以及反应介质在分级多孔核壳催化剂内快速扩散提高反应效率。该研究有望发展出一种高效的DME与合成气直接合成乙醇催化剂。将为分级多孔结构双功能催化剂的设计和制备提供理论和应用依据。
中文关键词: 分级结构;核壳催化剂;合成气;二甲醚;乙醇合成
英文摘要: There are more and more interests in zeolite-coated metal oxide core-shell catalyst, because of its excellent performance from unique pore structure of zeolite and catalytic property of metal oxide. However, the reaction efficiency of traditional micropore zeolite and solid structure of metal oxide is decreased due to the restriction of fluid dynamics and heat-transfer. Therefore, to increase the reaction efficiency, high permeability Cu/ZnO@H-MOR catalyst consisting of Cu supported on ZnO nanowires with hierarchical porous structure as core and micro- and mesopore H-MOR zeolite as shell will be designed and synthesized in this project. This core-shell structure can improve the mass and heat transfer of reactants in catalyst. One-step synthesis ethanol from dimethyl ether (DME) and syngas by using this bifunctional Cu/ZnO@H-MOR catalyst will be investigated. The reaction efficiency can be improved based on synergistic effect of active sites among catalyst and rapid diffusion of reactants in hierarchical porous structure. This project will develop an efficient catalyst used for ethanol direct synthesis from DME and syngas and provide theory and application basis for design and preparation of bifunctional hierarchical porous structure catalyst.
英文关键词: hierarchical structure;core-shell catalyst;syngas;dimethyl ether;ethanol synthesis