项目名称: Lws1在维持植物机会病原真菌Lasiodiplodia theobromae弱致病力中的机制解析
项目编号: No.31501597
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 燕继晔
作者单位: 北京市农林科学院
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 植物机会病原真菌是引起植物病害发生的重要病原物,近年来广受关注。植物机会病原真菌一般致病力较弱,它如何由弱致病力向强致病力转变导致植物病害发生的机制还不十分明晰。本项目拟从致病力增强突变体中克隆到的Lws1为基础,采用植物病理学、细胞生物学、分子生物学和转录组学的多学科技术手段分析Lws1是如何调控植物机会病原真菌Lasiodiplodia theobromae从弱致病力向强致病力变化的。期望通过比较分析Lws1敲除体和野生型的表型,及它们在侵染葡萄造成病症中的差异,结合Lws1的表达动态、亚细胞定位和转录组数据,分析Lws1是参与了哪些网络途径来影响L. theobromae致病力变化的;以此来阐明Lws1在维持植物机会病原真菌L. theobromae弱致病力中的作用机制。该项研究将加深我们对植物机会病原真菌致病机制的认识,同时也为控制如葡萄溃疡病等机会病原真菌引起的病害提供新的思路。
中文关键词: 其他园艺作物真菌病害;致病机理;致病相关基因;调控网络
英文摘要: Plant opportunistic fungal pathogens (POFPs) are one of major types pathogen causing plant disease, and attract more attention recently. POFPs usually is weak virulent to the host, while the mechanism of virulence increasing and leading to disease is unclear. The project plan to analysis the regulation mechanism of Lws1 (Cloned from virulence increasing mutant) function in the process of virulence increasing by plant pathology, cell biology, molecular biology, transcriptome comparison and other methodologies. We will analysis the differences between knock out transformant of Lws1 and complementary transformant of Lws1, clear the sub-cell location and expression pattern of Lws1, infer the pathway or network involved in the process of Lws1 regulate virulence increasing. The results will demonstrate the function of Lws1 in the weak-virulence sustainable mechanism in POFPs, which will let us deep understanding the POFPs, and provide new ideas on controlling the diseases caused by POFPs.
英文关键词: grapevine trunk disease;pathogenic mechnism;pathogenesis gene;regulation network