项目名称: Ge衬底上氧化铒、氧化铥高K栅介质材料的制备及物理特性研究
项目编号: No.11204202
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 冀婷
作者单位: 太原理工大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 随着高K栅介质材料在Si衬底上几近成熟的研究及微电子技术进一步发展的要求,高K栅介质材料在Ge衬底上的生长及特性研究已经成为近期的研究热点之一。本项目将利用超高真空溅射系统在Ge(001)衬底上制备Er2O3和Tm2O3稀土金属氧化物薄膜,系统地开展Er2O3和Tm2O3高K栅介质薄膜在Ge衬底上的生长、钝化、物理特性、漏电产生机制及能带问题的研究。找出材料生长及钝化条件、微结构、物理特性之间的关系与规律;提出稀土金属氧化物薄膜在Ge衬底上漏电流产生机制及界面态密度增加的主要原因。计算出Er2O3/Ge、Tm2O3/Ge的能带结构,弄清Ge衬底上高K氧化物薄膜的频散机制。为将来高K栅介质薄膜在Ge衬底上的应用开辟道路。
中文关键词: Ge 衬底;氧化铒;氧化铥;高K栅介质;
英文摘要: As the research of high K gate dielectric materials on Si substrate becomes mature and the further development of the microelectronics, deposition of high K gate dielectric materials on Ge substrate and their physical properties have become one of the research highlights recently. In this project, thin rare earth metal oxide Er2O3 and Tm2O3 films will be fabricated on Ge (001) substrates in ultra high vacuum sputtering system. The growth, passivation,physical properties of the Er2O3 and Tm2O3 high K gate dielectric films on Ge substrate as well as the leakage current mechanism, bandgap issues will be investigated. Based on the experimental results, the correlations among growth, passivation,microstructure and the physical properties will be found. The leakage current mechanism and the reason for interface states increase will be studied. The band alignment of the Er2O3/Ge and Tm2O3/Ge will be calculated and the frequency dispersion of the high K oxide films on Ge substrate will be explained. This project research will pave the way for the application of high K gate dielectric films on Ge substrates.
英文关键词: Ge substrate;Er2O3;Tm2O3;high K dielectric;