项目名称: 碳纳米管微波毫米波(26.5 GHz–330 GHz)散射参数测量及特征参数提取研究
项目编号: No.61504092
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 傅海鹏
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 通信集成电路的频率不断向毫米波扩展以获得更快的速率,这使得毫米波集成电路(MMIC)成为近年来的研究热点。硅基集成电路工艺的发展已经可以支持100GHz以上的MMIC。但传统铜互连线的电阻由于趋肤效应而随频率急剧增加,使互连线严重限制MMIC的性能。为此,ITRS指出碳纳米管(CNT)是下一代互连的最佳材料。而要使用CNT作为MMIC的互连,就必须掌握CNT在毫米波的介电常数。但CNT膜的厚度只有100nm,这些都使得现有的介电常数提取方法(NRW法)不能直接用于纳米级薄膜。而CNT膜与衬底厚度相差350倍,衬底在整个材料特性的表现中占有主导地位。如何在100GHz以上频段准确地测量CNT膜导致的衬底S参数发生的微小变化,并利用这种微小变化提取出CNT膜的介电常数是本项目要面临的另外两个关键问题。本项目将修正传统的NRW方法使之适应于纳米级薄膜材料,并提取CNT膜在毫米波段的复介电常数。
中文关键词: 毫米波频段;CMOS毫米波集成电路;碳纳米管
英文摘要: Increasing Internet data traffic has pushed the operation frequency of the communication ICs towards millimeter-wave frequencies to gain more bandwidth. Millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) has become a hot topic in recent years. Silicon-based process can already support the MMIC which works above 100GHz. However, the resistance of traditional copper interconnect increases with operation frequency due to the skin effect. The interconnect has severely limited the power and noise performances of the circuits. The ITRS roadmap projects that carbon nanotubes (CNT) is the best candidate for the next generation of interconnect. However, the electrical properties of CNTs are still unclear. The permittivity of the CNT is the most important parameters for millimeter-wave interconnects. To characterize the permittivity of the CNT, it is necessary to measure the S-parameters. However, the thickness of the CNT film is only 100nm and the thickness of the substrate is 35μm. According to the reported results, the Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) approach recommended by the NIST can not be directly applied for nanoscale films. Since the thickness of the substrate is 350 times thicker than the CNT film, the characteristics of the on-substrate CNT film is dominated by the substrate which further complicate the characterization of the CNT film. Therefore, this project will revise the conventional NRW method to adapt it to the nanoscale thin films at millimeter-waves.
英文关键词: Millimeter-wave band;CMOS Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits;Carbon Nanotube