项目名称: 诊断金属表面微喷微层裂状态的新型光电探针测试技术
项目编号: No.11502253
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 文雪峰
作者单位: 中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 基于强烈的武器物理需求和基础科学研究意义,冲击作用下金属表面出现的微喷、微层裂现象成为国内外研究的热点之一。然而目前,尤其是针对具有复杂结构的金属样品,还难以对微喷、微层裂现象进行连续空间和连续时间的测试。. 本项目拟首先分别研究电探针和光纤探针技术:一方面改进电探针技术,实现微喷区与微层裂区的界面识别,探究电探针信号与微层裂状态的响应特性;另一方面研究钝感化光纤探针技术,实现微喷区和基体的界面识别,探究不同感度光纤探针与微喷、微层裂状态的响应特性。然后,结合以上两种测试技术,设计一体式光电探针,开展爆轰实验,结合X光照相密度反演技术,制定光电信号解读方法。拟通过本项目研发一种探针式、可内置和阵列排布的用于微喷、微层裂状态诊断的测试技术,可适应复杂狭小结构金属样品进行空间多点处微喷、微层裂状态随时间演化的信息检测。
中文关键词: 爆轰加载;微喷;微层裂;光电探针;测试技术
英文摘要: For the strong demand of weaponry physics and significance of fundamental science researches, the phenomenon of the micro-jetting and micro-spalling in metal under explosively loading is one of the hot research areas in the world. However, especially for the metal samples of complex and narrow space structure, nowadays, it is hard to test the state of micro-jetting and micro-spalling in continuous space and time. . So this project plans to research the electric probe and optical probe test technologies respectively: On one hand, to improve the conventional electric probe to recognize the interface between micro-jetting and micro-spalling and to explore the response characteristic of the electric probe to the state of micro-jetting and micro-spalling; On the other hand, to decrease the sensitivity of conventional optical probe to recognize the interface between the micro-spalling and the main body of metal sample and to explore the response characteristic of the optical probe of different sensitivity to the state of micro-ejecta and micro-spall. Then, the both upon test technologies are combined to design the optical-electric probe. The optical-electric sign is interpreted by referring to the test data of X-ray test technology. By this project, a novel probe type test technology, that can be put into the inter space of metal device in array, for diagnosing the State of micro-jetting and micro-spalling is going to be researched. This technology can be used to diagnose the change of the state of micro-jetting and micro-spalling by time in multi-position, even for the metal sample that is of complex and narrow space structure.
英文关键词: Explosive load;Micro-jetting;Micro-spalling;Optical-electric probe;Test technology