项目名称: 非均匀偏振涡旋光束及应用研究
项目编号: No.10874078
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 丁剑平
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 近年来偏振状态非均匀分布的矢量光束具有许多不同于均匀偏振光束的新颖性质和应用前景而受到极大关注。本项目研究了具有任意偏振分布和涡旋相位光束的性质和生成方法、物理新效应及其在光学微操纵中的应用,取得了多项具有国际先进水平的创新研究成果,主要成果主要包括:(1)设计出了产生非均匀偏振矢量光束的新方法,并在实验上生成了偏振和相位独立动态调控的矢量光束;(2)提出了利用入射光的偏振矢量调控聚焦场分布的新设想,可对焦场分布进行优化设计,实现了一种新型的笼型空腔焦场;(3)提出一种利用偏振梯度分布生成轨道角动量的新途径,并通过光镊实验获得了验证;(4)研究光场的轨道-自旋相互作用的新效应,发现可通过涡旋相位实现焦场中自旋角动量流的分裂;(5)发展了适用于聚焦场计算的散射场有限差分时域新算法,发现光束的偏振矢量对光学微操纵有显著影响;(6)提出了一种基于动态空间光调制器的三光波剪切干涉的新方法,数值和光学试验证明该方法可以高精度地实现光波的相位检测。
中文关键词: 偏振光;矢量光束;涡旋光束;光学微操纵;光的传播
英文摘要: Vector beams have attracted in recent years significant research interests for they have quite unique characteristics and applications in comparison with homogeneously polarized beams such as linearly or circularly polarized light. In this project we have made great efforts on the invesitgation into the generation of the vector beam with space-variant state of polartization( SoP) and helical phase and new phenomena related to this kind of vector beam. Our research achivements are innovative in several aspects, as stated here: (1) We have designed new experimental method and created the vector beam with space-variant distribution of both polarization and phase; (2) We proposed a new approach to generate a controllable three-dimensional optical cage by double-mode cylindrical vector beam in the vicinity of focus, by controlling the polarization state of beam. (3) We predicted a novel optical orbital angular momentum, which arises from the curl of polarization, and have demonstrted its existence by optical tweezers expriment; (4)We have shown that the separation of spin angular momentum flux in the focal region can occur at the focal plane illuminated by a space-variant linearly polarized beam with phase vortex. (5)We have developed an improved FDTD method to calculate the optical forces of tightly focused beams on microscopic metal particles,and have shown that trapping efficiency can be altered by adjusting the polarization of the incident field. (6) We have designed a novel three-wave lateral shearing inteferometry based on spatial light modulator, and proposed a new eight-step phase-shifting scheme for extracting phase information from three-wave interferograms.
英文关键词: polarized light;vector beam;optical vortex; optical micro-manipulation; propagation of light.