项目名称: 宫颈癌及其前期病变中HPV16整合与调控区表观遗传学的相关性研究
项目编号: No.81202065
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 肿瘤学2
项目作者: 洪蝶
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: HPV16是最常见的宫颈癌HPV基因型。目前研究认为HPV16癌基因E6、E7的表达使宿主细胞染色质不稳定导致HPV基因整合入宿主基因组中。HPV基因的整合进一步导致癌基因的失控性表达,导致宫颈瘤变的进展,最终发展到宫颈癌。那么,在HPV整合前HPV发生了什么样的变化导致其所表达的癌基因易使细胞染色质不稳定?在HPV整合后,HPV又发生了什么样了变化使宫颈易于发生瘤变呢?已知HPV癌基因E6E7的表达受到其上游调控区的调节,而上游调控区上必然存在着表观遗传学上的调节。那么这些表观遗传学的改变是否推动了HPV16的整合环节并进一步推动了宫颈瘤变的进展呢?关于这方面的问题国内外未见文献报道研究。本研究拟根据宫颈癌及其前期病变临床标本中HPV16病毒存在状态和其调控区表观遗传学上的研究,分析宫颈癌及其前期病变过程中HPV16调控区表观遗传学改变在HPV整合及宫颈瘤变进展过程中的意义。
中文关键词: 人乳头瘤病毒;整合;表观遗传;宫颈癌;
英文摘要: HPV16 is the most common high-risk genotype in the cervical cancer. Recent research showed that the expression of HPV 16 E6 and E7 induced instability of chromosomes, and this subsequently favors integration of HR-HPV genomes into cellular chromosomes. The integration of HPV resulted deregulation expression of these oncogenes, which induced the progression of cervical neoplasia. Before integration, what changes of HPV favors the instability of chromosomes? After integration, what changes of HPV favors the progression of cervical neoplasia? It is verified that the expression of E6 and E7 are regulated by long control region, and the long control region is regulated by epigenetic. Weather these change of epigenetic promotes the integraion of HPV 16 and induces progression of cervical neoplasia? There is no report on the aspect. Our research plan to detect the presences of HPV status and the epigenetic of long control region, and analyze the function of epigenetic changes in the integration of HPV16 and in the progression of cervical progression.
英文关键词: HPV;integration;epigenetic;cervical cancer;