项目名称: 复合污染条件下DOM对典型离子性抗生素吸附迁移行为的影响
项目编号: No.20877014
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 乔显亮
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 34万元
中文摘要: 本课题组采集了鸡粪、猪粪等样品,提取制备了畜禽粪便来源的DOM,并对其属性进行了光谱表征,采用透析法测试了DOM与土霉素的结合常数,考察了商品化的腐殖酸(Aldrich)和畜禽粪便来源腐殖酸对用量最大的抗生素土霉素在粘土矿物和四种代表性土壤上吸附的影响,结果发现商品化腐殖酸和畜禽粪便释放的腐殖酸都能显著降低土霉素在粘土矿物和土壤上的吸附,提高其迁移扩散风险。本课题还考察了DOM与典型雄性trenbolone和雌性荷尔蒙estradiol的结合能力,研究发现荷尔蒙与DOM的结合及其分配行为与疏水作用、氢键、π#960;共轭有关,而且表现出分子构型差异,主要与化合物分子的表面电势分布有关。
中文关键词: 畜禽粪便;DOM;土霉素;荷尔蒙;分子构型
英文摘要: Chicken and swine manure samples were collected, and DOM was extracted from these samples and characterization by spectrum techniques. The binding constant were tested between DOM samples with Oxytetracycline(OTC). Effect of Aldrich humic acid(AHA)and DOM from chicken and swine manure on the adsorption of OTC on clay and four typical soils were examined, and the results showed that AHA and DOM from manure significantly decreased the sorption of OTC on both clay and soils, which indicated increased mobility and spread risks. The binding of typical hormone compound trenbolone and estradiol with DOM were also tested, and it was found that hydrophobic partition, H-binding, as well as Pi-Pi interaction were involved in the binding interaction. Isomer difference was found on both compounds, and it was considered to be related to the surface charge distribution of the compounds.
英文关键词: manure; DOM; OTC; hormone; isomer-specific