项目名称: 超冷原子气体在无序晶格中相变和相干动力学特性
项目编号: No.11274255
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 薛具奎
作者单位: 西北师范大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 针对具有复杂相互作用的超冷原子气体(往往表现为长程、非局域、各向异性等特点),在绝对零温下,结合量子多体和平均场理论,利用解析分析和数值模拟,深入研究复杂原子相互作用与无序晶格的关联特性及由此引起的各种不稳定性、波动现象以及系统的能带特性和相变特性,探讨无序对晶格中物质波相干性和输运特性的影响,为在无序晶格中对物质波进行相干操控并实现可控输运提供依据,并有望揭示复杂原子气体在无序晶格中的一些新量子现象。在理论上发展分析无序晶格中具有复杂相互作用原子气体动力学特性的理论方法,揭示无序与原子相互作用耦合引起的相干-退相干机理,并获得系统发生各类相变的解析规律和临界条件。 无序晶格中复杂原子气体相变特性和相干特性的研究,不但对揭示强关联多体量子系统中若干悬而未决的物理问题具有重要科学意义,而且在量子信息、量子计算、量子调控等领域具有重要应用潜力。
中文关键词: 超冷原子气体;光晶格;相变;相干动力学;无序
英文摘要: At T=0, within the many body quantum theory and mean field theory, the instabilities, the sound waves, the superfluidity, the coherence and the transportation properties of ultracold atom gases induced by the interplay between complex atomic interactions (always behaves long-range, nonlocal and anisotropy) and disordered optical lattices will be discussed. Our studies will give a clear proof of the interplay between the atomic interactions and disorder, provide a possible way for coherently control the matter waves, show some new quantum phenomena, and improve the theoretical methods for analyse the disordered quantum gases. In addition to its potential application in quantum computing and manipulation, the study of the superfluidity, the quantum phase transitions and the coherence of atomic gases in disordered lattices also provides an important route for answering some unresolved questions in theory of strongly correlated systems.
英文关键词: ultracold atomic gas;optical lattices;phase transitions;coherent dynamics;disorder