项目名称: 量子图像安全保密关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61501148
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 宋显华
作者单位: 哈尔滨理工大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 量子计算机是计算机发展历程的必经阶段。量子信息,尤其是量子媒体信息在量子计算机时代将具有重要的研究价值。量子图像的安全保密问题是量子媒体处理技术中不可回避的关键问题。本项目以量子图像的加密安全为应用背景,研究低制备复杂度和高适用性的图像表示方法,并以此为基础设计服务于量子图像加密技术的量子图像处理算法,进而开展量子图像选择性加密算法和基于多项式及视觉密码的量子图像秘密分享算法研究。此外,还将建立量子图像加密算法的评价指标体系,为今后的加密算法研究提供评价标准。本项目将重点解决低线路设计复杂度和高适用性的量子图像表示、量子彩色图像半色调、量子态逻辑运算和量子图像噪声叠加等关键问题。为量子媒体处理技术的发展奠定研究基础。
中文关键词: 量子图像表示;量子图像处理;量子图像加密
英文摘要: Quantum computer is an inevitable stage in the development process of computer. Quantum information, especially quantum media information, will have important researching value in the era of quantum computer. Security for quantum images is a key issue that cannot be evaded in quantum media processing technology. Taking the encryption security of quantum images as the applied background, this project studies the method of quantum image with low preparation complexity and high applicability. Based on it, the project designs quantum image processing algorithms which service quantum image encryption. Selective encryption for quantum images and polynomial and visual cryptography based quantum image secret sharing will be further researched. Moreover, the project will establish the evaluation index system for quantum image encryption algorithm to provide the evaluation criterion for the future study of encryption schemes. The project focuses on the key issues about the quantum image representation with low circuit designing complexity and high applicability, the halftone of quantum color image, the logic operation of quantum state and the noise superposition of quantum image. The research establishes the foundation for quantum media processing technology.
英文关键词: quantum image representation;quantum image processing;quantum image encryption