项目名称: 无线Mesh网络中跨层安全关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61272451
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 陈晶
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: WMN作为最有潜力的"最后一公里"无线接入技术之一正倍受关注,但其安全保障将成为能否长远发展的关键因素。 考虑到信息安全的短板效应和各层分别设计安全机制导致的资源浪费问题,本项目拟采用跨层思想从接入、传输安全和异常检测防御三方面进行研究。针对WMN节点规模大、管理中心易成为安全瓶颈的问题,设计接入认证快速安全响应协议,通过同态签名技术,解决安全数据洪流、海量安全数据存储的问题。结合WMN无线广播和多跳传输特性,提出抗主/被动攻击的安全网络编码算法,解决安全性与效率冲突问题,并满足隐私保护需求。针对骨干网集中、终端网自治的特点,在Snort异常检测的基础上设计基于演化博弈的防御机制,从而抵制未知攻击并激励自私用户安全协作。最后,设计高效的WMN跨层安全实验平台,验证提出的算法与协议。 本项目将丰富网络安全基础理论,创新WMN安全保护的方法和技术,为WMN实用化和广泛应用提供理论指导和技术支持
中文关键词: 网络安全;无线Mesh网络;快速认证;网络编码;
英文摘要: The Wireless Mesh Network(WMN) is considered to be one of the most potential wireless access technology. More and more researchers give attention to this area. However, the security is the key whether WMN can develop deeply. Considering the weakest link effect of information security and the resource wasting problem which is induced by the overlap of security function in each layer, we ultilize the cross layer method to research securce access, transportation and abnormity defense mechanism. First,towarding the problem of large scale nodes and the management center bottleneck, we design the access authentication fast secure response protocols which solve the problem of secure data flooding and large scale data secure stroing. Second, according to the wireless broadcast and multi-hop characteristics of WMN, we propose the secure network coding algorithm to protect transportation not to be eavesdropped and modified. At the same time, the algorithm should find good tradeoff between security and performance. Third, making use of the characteristic that the backbone is stable and terminal network is self-organized and autonomous, we design the defense mechanism based on game theory and the intrusion detection tool called snort to resist the unknown attack and to inspirit the cooperation between the normal and selfi
英文关键词: Network security;Wireless Mesh Network;Fast authentication;Network coding;