项目名称: 海岸发育、河口沉积与入海通量耦合机制的沉积记录——以北黄海淤泥质海岸与鸭绿江口为例
项目编号: No.41271028
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 程岩
作者单位: 辽东学院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 沉积记录在流域-海岸相互作用的研究中起关键作用。我们前期研究发现:鸭绿江的河口沉积记录中包含着丰富的物质传递过程和沉积(环境)变化的信息。据此,我们拟通过对沉积物的年代测定和粒度、重矿、重金属、生源组分、有机氯农药、粘土矿物等沉积记录的分析,尤其是极端事件在沉积记录中的响应,确定"定年时标",并建立沉积年代表;开展鸭绿江河口沉积与北黄海淤泥质海岸沉积(环境)阶段的划分和沉积记录的对比工作;追踪沉积记录中有示踪意义或环境变化指示意义的"事件信号"的传递过程,探讨鸭绿江入海通量的传递过程和归宿,求索淤泥质海岸发育、河口沉积与入海通量之间的耦合机制。丰富从源到汇科学构想中的动态边界理论,促进地貌过程研究方法的创新,填补北黄海淤泥质海岸地貌发育研究的空白,为开发土地资源、维护国家主权提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 鸭绿江口;北黄海;淤泥质海岸;沉积记录;耦合机制
英文摘要: Sedimentary records play a key role in studying the interaction between basin and coastal. We found that the sedimentary record in Yalu River estuary contained the rich information of material transfer process and deposition (environmental) changes. Accordingly, we intend to ensure "time marker" and establish the sedimentary time scale by the analyse of grain size, heavy minerals, heavy metals, biogenic components, organic chlorine pesticide and clay minerals as well as the measuring of age, to carry out the stage classification of Yalu River estuary sedimentation and the muddy coastal deposit (environment) in North Yellow Sea and the contrast of deposit records, to trace the transfer process of "event signal" with tracer signification or implications for sediment environment, to discuss the transfer process of discharge flux and destination, to explore the coupling mechanism among coastal development, estuary deposit and discharge flux. The aim is to enrich the dynamic boundary theory from source to sink in scientific ideas, to innovate the research methods of geomorphic processes, to fill the theory gap of the muddy coastal geomorphology development in North Yellow Sea, and to provide the scientific basis for developing the land resource and safeguarding state sovereignty.
英文关键词: Yalu River estuary;North Yellow Sea;muddy shoals;sedimentary records;coupling machanism