项目名称: 基于电子束辐照技术降解Musalais中氨基甲酸乙酯的安全性控制机理研究
项目编号: No.31471667
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 王伟华
作者单位: 塔里木大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: Musalais是新疆维吾尔族最具特色的传统酒类饮品,有独特的地域性、民族性和文化传承性。Musalais生产过程中会产生有害物质氨基甲酸乙酯(EC),如何将EC去除是Musalais价值提升的关键。本项目以Musalais为研究对象,采用电子束辐照技术降解其中的EC,利用GC-MS、IR和NMR等方法鉴定EC关键辐解产物结构,运用代谢组学方法研究EC关键辐解产物在体内的代谢规律;从细胞和分子水平上分析EC关键辐解产物对NF-κB信号通路的调控作用,明确EC关键辐解产物的安全性控制点;应用健康风险评估手段确定EC关键辐解产物的安全剂量,再结合其代谢规律和安全性关键控制点,综合阐明电子束辐照降解EC的安全性控制机理,进一步明确电子束辐照技术的安全性。研究结果可为Musalais的安全性控制提供科学支撑,对保护新疆民族特色资源具有重要意义,同时对我国食品安全和酒类产业的发展有重要的借鉴意义。
中文关键词: Musalais;电子束辐照;氨基甲酸乙酯;安全性;控制机理
英文摘要: Musalais is the most unique traditional alcoholic drink for Xinjiang Uygur people, with unique locality,national and cultural inheritance. How to remove ethyl carbamate(EC), which is a harmful substance produced in Musalais production process, is the key to value-enhancing of Musalais. This project focuses on Musalais, using electron beam irradiation to degrade EC, using methods of GC-MS, IR, and NMR to identify structure of key degradation products from EC, and using metabolomics technology to investigate metabolic regularity of key degradation products in vivo. Regulation effect of key degradation products on NF-κB signal pathway is analyzed from the cellular and molecular level to find out their critical safety control points. The critical safety doses of key degradation products are determined by the health risk assessment tools, and combined with their metabolic patterns and critical safety control points to clarify the safety control mechanism of EC degradation based on electron beam irradiation technology, further clarify safety of this technology. The result of project research will provide scientific support for safety control of Musalais. The result is also significant for protecting ethnic resources in Xinjiang, and having an important reference for development of food safety and alcohol industries in China.
英文关键词: Musalais;Electron beam irradiation;Ethyl carbamate;Safety;Control mechanism