项目名称: 可延展柔性无机电子互连结构及其机-电综合特性的研究
项目编号: No.61474032
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 潘开林
作者单位: 桂林电子科技大学
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 可延展柔性电子在穿戴电子、柔性显示、生物医疗等领域具有广阔的应用前景。针对当前可延展柔性无机电子面临的延展自由度与幅度有限、界面分层、电学特性下降甚至失效等问题,开展可延展柔性无机电子互连结构设计及其机-电综合特性的研究,系统探讨可延展柔性无机电子的界面力学表征、力学特性、结构设计、电学特性及其内在关联关系等基础问题。首先,研究异质界面力学特性表征与分析,建立界面力学分析模型;其次,引入分形几何学概念,开展可延展互连自相似结构设计,运用界面力学模型,研究自相似可延展互连结构的力学特性,探讨可延展互连结构与延展性能(延展的自由度、类型、幅度等)之间的内在关系;研究应力应变状态与电学特性之间的内在关系,建立应力应变-电学分析模型,运用前述分析的应力应变状态进而耦合分析可延展互连结构的电学特性;最后,基于上述机-电综合特性分析评价形成多自由度可延展柔性无机电子的互连结构设计学理论基础。
中文关键词: 微电子封装;微连接;力学性能;可延展电子
英文摘要: Stretchable electronics is an emergent class of electronics made on soft substrates that retains electric integrity under large mechanical deformation, such as stretching, bending and compression. Due to meeting the potential demand of the next generation electronic devices in the transplantable,potable,comfortable,and excellent conformability to no-planar operation interface, stretchable electronics attracts great attention both in academia and industry in rencent years. To aim at the current challenges of stretchable electronics, such as limited DOF (degree of freedom) and relatively small amplitude in stretchability, interfacial delamination, and unstable electric functionality under mechanical deformation, study on inorganic stretchable interconnects design and its comprehensive evaluation of electromechanical properties is proposed in this project, including characterization of interfacial mechanical behavior, design of conductor layouts, mechanical properties, electric properties of inorganic stretchable interconnects and inherent relationships among them. Firstly, the mechanical characterization of metal-rubber interface is determined through experiments analysis and the theory of solid mechanics. Then the theoretical and numerical models of the interfacial properties of metal-rubber structure are built. The concept of fractal geometry will be introduced in geometry design and layout for self-similar stretchable interconnects. By means of experiments and simulation, the stretchable performances including DOF, type, and amplitude of the interconnect deformation will be analyzed, and the inherent relationships between the features of metal layouts and the stretchability is explored. Further, the model of the electrical resistance in function of strain is developed. Coupled with the load of stress and strain generated from above interfacial mechanical model, the electric properties of stretchable interconnects are predicted. Finally, based on the comprehensive evaluation of above mechanical and electric characterization, systematic design procedures for multi DOF inorganic stretchable interconnects can be concluded.
英文关键词: microelectronic packaging;micro-jointing;mechanical properties;stretchable electronics