项目名称: 流域营养盐削减最优方案及实施对策研究
项目编号: No.41471464
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 彭本荣
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 我国超过50%的流域、湖库和近岸海洋都面临着富营养化问题。由此引发的水华、赤潮等水环境事件,在损害水生生态系统、造成巨大经济损失的同时还威胁到流域饮用水安全。流域营养盐削减是我国面水环境管理临的重大科学与管理课题。鉴于我国目前营养盐削减实践的低效率,以及营养盐削减财政承受能力的制约,急需开展成本最低的流域养盐削减方案以及相应的实施对策研究。本项目以福建省九龙江流域为案例,在研究各种营养盐削减措施的成本函数、目标水体营养盐负荷响应模型的基础上,建立了成本最低的营养盐削减方案的模拟模型,并提出了公平的营养盐削减成本分摊方案。研究成果对政府制定具有成本效益的流域营养盐削减策略具有重要的理论和应用价值。
中文关键词: 营养盐削减;优化模型;污染负荷响应模型;成本函数;流域
英文摘要: More than half of rivers, lakes and coastal water body are confronting the challenge of nutrients enrichment in China. Water environmental disasters such as red tides and algal bloom resulted from nutrients pollution are jeopardizing the drinking water safety and sustainable development of watershed while leading to a great economic loss. The costs of different nutrients abatement measures located in different sub-watersheds vary significantly and so on their impacts on the nutrients load to the target water body. This provides the opportunity for modelling the optimal nutrient reduction scheme, the cost-minimization solutions which implied the combination of different measures located in different drainage basins to pre-specified environmental targets. This project established the cost-minimization model for reducing nutrients loads, based on the study of the nutrient abatement cost functions of different abatement measures in different sub-watersheds, and the nutrients load response model of the target water body. The minimum cost solutions of nutrient reduction in research area, the Jiulong River Watershed (JRW) were figured out employing the established model. Based on the analysis of socioeconomic, law and policy situation, the benefits and costs of nutrient reduction, the environmental responsibility, and the fiscal capacity of different administrative units in the JRW, the study proposes the policy alternatives to implement the optimal nutrient reduction scheme.
英文关键词: Nutrient reduction;minimum cost solution;load response model;abatement cost fuction;watershed