项目名称: C-反应蛋白的胞内折叠、组装及质控机制研究
项目编号: No.31470718
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 武一
作者单位: 兰州大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: C-反应蛋白(CRP)是最常用的临床炎症标识之一,其血浆浓度在炎症条件下可升高上千倍,但决定细胞高效合成、分泌CRP的机制未知。CRP由五个相同的亚基构成,每个亚基内仅含一个二硫键,无糖基化修饰,且可由大肠杆菌正确表达,这暗示CRP的折叠、组装很可能主要由其自身序列特征指导。然而,CRP在离体条件下不能自发复性,提示胞内环境对于其天然结构的形成是必要的。我们的前期工作发现CRP亚基的胞内折叠、组装似乎遵循一条预定的分步途径,在不同阶段中构象折叠和二硫键形成互为驱动,且依赖于不同二级结构元件的折叠和装配。在此基础上进一步阐明CRP的合成、分泌动态及质控,不但能够推进对细胞高效产生CRP机制的理解,而且有助于为蛋白质折叠分子过程的解析提供范例,并为回答折叠研究中的若干争议提供线索。在此基础上,本项目还将进一步设计构象锁定突变体,以澄清不同(中间体)构象形式CRP在动物模型中的确切炎症调控活性。
中文关键词: C-反应蛋白;蛋白质折叠;炎症
英文摘要: C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the most widely used marker of inflammation in the clinical practice, whose serum concentration can increase up to 1000-fold in response to inflammatory stimuli. CRP is a secretory protein composed of five identical, non-covalently associated subunits with no glycosylation modification. However, little is known how CRP folds and assembles, which underlies its efficient cellular secretion. Our preliminary experiments demonstrate that the folding and assembly of CRP in live cells appear to follow a predetermined, stepwise pathway with obligatory intermediates, in which the relation between conformation folding and disulfide bonding depends on specific folding stage. This project thus aims to delineate the dynamics by which the secondary structure motifs are assembled into the native structure in live cells and identify the quality control mechanisms underlying the cellular folding, assembly and secretion of CRP. The project will further screen for the conformation-locked mutants to guide the design of animal model experiments to establish the exact activities of CRP in specific conformations in the regulation of inflammation.
英文关键词: C-reactive protein;protein folding;inflammation