项目名称: 基于脉冲机动可达域的小行星探测器二维发射窗口研究
项目编号: No.11502300
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 端军红
作者单位: 中国人民解放军空军工程大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 发射机会搜索是小行星探测任务规划与设计中的关键问题。目前普遍采用的Pork-Chop图法计算量巨大,且无法将一些约束条件加入到搜索过程中以致搜索效率低下。一些智能方法在一定程度上提高了搜索效率,但算法易老化、对初值敏感,且只能给出最优解,无法给出满足各项约束条件的可行解在全局的分布情况,从而导致任务设计缺乏灵活性。申请者在前期研究中发现,发射机会与小行星探测器脉冲机动的可达域密切相关。因此,本项目以探测器脉冲机动的可达域为研究切入点,建立可达域的一种快速准确的计算方法,并将其应用于发射机会的搜索中;提出能够给出满足各项约束条件的所有可行解的二维发射窗口概念,重点设计二维发射窗口的计算方法,以精确、直观、全面地揭示发射机会在全局的分布情况;通过与Pork-Chop图法的特性对比分析,验证二维发射窗口法在科学与应用价值上的优越性。所得研究成果可为行星际探测任务规划和设计提供重要基础和理论依据。
中文关键词: 发射机会;可达域;任务规划;能量等高线图;发射窗口
英文摘要: Launch opportunities Searching is a critical and essential problem to be solved in the mission planning of asteroid explorations. Nowadays, the Pork-Chop energy contour map is the most popular method to deal with this problem in practice, but it needs a large amount of computation, and can not consider some certain constraints in the searching process, which results in a very low search efficiency. Some intelligent algorithms improve the search efficiency in some extent, however they are apt to aging and sensitive to the initial value. What is more, these algorithms can only provide a local or global optimal solution, and fail to present the distribution of all the feasible solutions satisfying the given constraints. This reduces the flexibility of mission planning. The applicant found in the previous research that launch opportunities are closely related to the reachable domain of the asteroid detector. Thus, this research aims to put up a new and effective method based on the reachable domain of the asteroid detector to solve the problem of launch opportunities searching. First, put forward a brief and accurate computing method for the reachable domain of asteroid detector, and then applies it to the launch opportunities searching; second, put up the concept of 2-dimensional launch window which is able to present all the feasible solutions, and then study and build up an effective calculation method of the 2-dimensional launch window so as to show the distribution of all the feasible solutions in the whole search space; Finally, choose a set of performance parameters, and then compare the proposed 2-dimensional launch window method with the classical Pork-Chop method to prove the advantages of the former one. In all, the results of this research can serve as an important theoretical tool for the mission planning of interplanetary explorations.
英文关键词: launch opportunity;reachable domain;mission planning;energy contour map;launch window