项目名称: 高速重载齿轮传动瞬态热力耦合分析及修形设计
项目编号: No.51275035
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 李威
作者单位: 北京科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 随着齿轮传动向高速重载方向发展,齿面温度不断升高进而引起胶合破坏已成为主要的失效形式之一,现有国际ISO标准及美国AGMA标准采用最大接触温度法进行齿轮胶合承载能力计算,该方法是在干接触及无润滑条件下推导出来的,存在一定的局限性,而现有齿轮修形设计方法只考虑了轮齿的刚度及弹性变形,并未有考虑轮齿热变形的影响,亦存在一定的缺陷。本项目提出精确求解齿轮本体温度和齿面闪温及胶合承载能力的方法, 应用耦合系统动力学、传热学、瞬态热弹流润滑理论、热弹性接触有限元分析和热网络技术, 分析齿轮在齿面摩擦、加工误差、安装误差、润滑剂和热变形等因素作用下齿轮传动的齿面瞬时温度场分布,真实地模拟运转过程中啮合轮齿的形态和热行为, 探讨传动齿轮轮齿的温度变化规律,研究齿轮齿面温度无线传感测试技术及胶合承载能力实验方法,创建高速重载齿轮胶合失效判据和计算准则及最佳修形曲线,为齿轮抗胶合强度计算和修形设计提供依据。
中文关键词: 高速重载;齿轮传动;温度场;应力场;修形设计
英文摘要: With gear transmission systems developed with higher and higher speed and heavier and heavier loads, the scuffing damage of gears has become one of the main failure modes. Now the ISO and AGMA standards adopt MCT(maximum contact temperature)method to calculate the scuffing load capacity. However, the MCT method was derived under dry contact and non-lubrication, therefore it has some limits. In addition, the common modification design of gear considers only the stiffness and elasticity deformation of tooth, without the effect of tooth thermal deformation, so it has also some certain defects. This project puts forward a solution to obtain the body temperature, flash temperature and scuffing load capacity of gear transmission by way of thermal elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, finite element analysis and thermal network technology, the distribution for transient temperature field of tooth face, analyzes the tooth elastic deformation, tribology of tooth face, manufacture error, installment error, lubricant and thermal deformation, simulates the condition and thermal characteristics of gear tooth, and discusses the temperature variation of transmission gear. Moreover, this paper also establishes an experiment method to measure the tooth face temperature to test and scuffing load capacity, sets up the optimum modificat
英文关键词: high speed and heavy load;gear transmission;temperature field;stress field;modification design