项目名称: 鄂尔多斯盆地煤中稀土元素分布与赋存特征及其地质意义
项目编号: No.41472136
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 黄文辉
作者单位: 中国地质大学(北京)
项目金额: 92万元
中文摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地是我国的主要能源基地,因多能源同盆共存而倍受关注。多种能源矿产之所以能够共存,必定受该盆地形成与演化的地质因素控制。煤中稀土元素是研究煤系形成的良好地球化学指示剂。在鄂尔多斯盆地发育有四组煤系,盆地形成前的石炭-二叠纪太原组和山西组和晚三叠世瓦窑堡组,盆地形成后的侏罗纪延安组。系统研究四组煤和泥岩中稀土元素的含量和分配模式,探讨其物质来源和沉积环境,必将加深和完善对鄂尔多斯盆地形成与演化的认识,以及对多种能源矿产共存成藏(矿)机理的认识。瓦窑堡组沉积于盆地形成的前夕,对该组煤中稀土元素的研究尚属首次。盆地北缘的准格尔、神府-东胜和乌海矿区是华北聚煤区离沉积物源岩最近的矿区,有利于研究物质来源和沉积环境。该盆地赋存有低中高系列煤阶的煤,延安组煤层内宏观煤岩组分条带结构明显,为研究稀土元素与煤阶和与有机组分关系两难题提供条件,有望取得新成果,丰富对煤中微量元素赋存机理的认识。
中文关键词: 煤地球化学;稀土元素;鄂尔多斯盆地;显微煤岩组分;示踪剂
英文摘要: Ordos Basin is the main energy basin of China, which has great renown for the coexistence of multiple energy. A variety of energy minerals have been able to co-exist, which is bound to be controled by the geological factors of basin formation and evolution. Rare earth elements(REE) in coal are good geochemical indicators to the study of coal formation.The Ordos Basin has developed with four coal series, Carboniferous-Permian Taiyuan formation and Shanxi formation as well as late Triassic Wayaobao formation those existed before basin formed,Jurassic Yan'an formation that existed after basin formed. The research of REE content and distribution pattern in four sets of coal and shale is to discuss the material source and depositional environment.The study will improve the understanding of formation and evolution in the Ordos Basin, then the comprehending of multiple energy minerals reservoir (mine) mechanism.WaYaoBao formation deposited on the eve of the basin formation, it is the first time to study REE in coal in this formation. The north rim of the basin ZhunGeEr, Shenfu-Dongsheng and Wuhai mining areas are the nearest mining areas from sediment source rocks in north China coal accumulating areas, which are helpful to study material source and sedimentary environment. The basin has a series of low and high rank coal,and coal seam in Yan'an formation has macro components of coal and clear rock band structures.All these researches can provide appropriate conditions for studying the relationship between REE and coal rank,as well as the connect REE with organic composition these two problems,enrich the knowledge of trace elements in coal occurrence mechanism.
英文关键词: Coal geochemistry;REE;Ordos Basin;Maceral;Tracer