项目名称: 矢量孤子分子及其相态特性研究
项目编号: No.11204037
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 陈伟成
作者单位: 佛山科学技术学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 矢量孤子分子是考虑了偏振效应且具有精细结构的复杂脉冲包络。它在非线性光纤传输系统、光纤激光器系统中既是一个普遍存在的现象,也是一种本征属性。本项目采用以实验为主,数值计算与理论分析为辅的研究手段,研究光纤激光器中矢量孤子分子动力学特性。在实验上,我们将产生不同包络结构的矢量孤子分子。进而引入相态概念对不同包络结构的矢量孤子分子内部动力学行为进行定义,给出具有光谱特性与时域特性的精确概念描述。通过实验测量以及数据比对方法,分析出各相态下孤子分子内部原子脉冲偏振相关的动态振动模式。逐点测量在激光器中各相态孤子分子内部原子脉冲成分的偏振态。数值计算配合实验展示出矢量孤子分子内部成分在演化过程中的相互作用及偏振态演化情况。本项目的研究将深化对矢量孤子分子这种具有复杂结构的光载体的本质认识,为拓展其在未来高速光通信、超快光学和相干光通信等领域中的潜在应用提供理论与技术支持。
中文关键词: 锁模光纤激光器;孤子簇;矢量孤子;饱和吸收体;
英文摘要: Vector soliton molecule is the complex pulse envelop with multi-component structures under the effect of polarization. It is both a popular phenomenon and an inherent property in nonlinear optics communication system and fiber laser system. Our project will adopt experiment approach for studying the dynamic behavior of vector soliton molecules in fiber laser, assisited by the numerical calculation and theoretical analysis. In experiment, the vector soliton molecules with different envelop structures are achieved. Then the concept of phase state is introduced into describing the different dynamic behavior of the interior atomic components of the vector soliton molecules. The new definition of the phase state will contain the spectral and temporal information. The instantaneous vibration mode of the interior atomic components of the vector soliton molecules in different phase states will be summarized through experimental measurement and data analysis. The polarization state of the interior atomic components will be measured by point to point along the cavity. The numerical simulation will show the interactions among the atomic components and the polarization evolution in conjunction with the experimental phenomena. Our project will deepen the understanding of the nature of the optical carrier with complex fine st
英文关键词: Mode-locked fiber laser;Soliton bunching;Vector soliton;Saturable absorber;