项目名称: SO2总量紫外遥感反演中O3影响评价及其改进研究
项目编号: No.41501413
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 闫欢欢
作者单位: 国家卫星气象中心
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 卫星遥感技术能够快速、经济、大面积、可重复地获取区域SO2污染分布情况。然而,高浓度O3紫外强吸收和O3输入数据误差制约着SO2定量遥感反演的精度。本研究拟基于紫外卫星高光谱观测和辐射传输模型,定量分析SO2垂直柱总量遥感反演误差的来源和贡献,选择合适的SO2紫外遥感反演通道;针对高浓度O3紫外强吸收和O3输入数据误差对SO2定量反演的影响问题,利用OMTO3 O3反演、差分吸收方法和AMF迭代调整,开展SO2柱总量遥感反演算法的改进研究;最后利用多源的SO2柱总量和近地表浓度地基观测数据,对改进后的SO2柱总量反演结果进行验证。本研究可提高我国对空气质量动态监测和预报的能力,为我国未来高分卫星SO2反演产品的研制奠定基础。
中文关键词: 紫外遥感;二氧化硫;臭氧;反演算法
英文摘要: Satellite remote sensing technology provides an unprecedented advantage for continuous, large spatial and short-revisit monitoring for atmospheric SO2. However, the accuracy of SO2 retrieval is limited to the effects of strong absorption of O3 in UV region and input data errors. In this study, firstly a quantitative error analysis in the SO2 retrieval will be performed to select the appropriate retrieval spectral range, by using the ultraviolet hyper-spectral satellite observations and atmospheric radiative transfer model; secondly, by using the O3 column from OMTO3 algorithm, Differential Optical Absorption method and iterative AMF calculation, the correction methods for the O3 effects on SO2 retrievals are developed to improve the accuracy of SO2 retrievals; finally, the improved SO2 retrievals will be validated with in-situ measurements. This study will improve the ability of China’s pollution monitoring and forecast, and also promote the study of SO2 product from China’s own satellite in the future.
英文关键词: Ultraviolet remote sensing;sulfur dioxide;ozone;retrieval algorithm