项目名称: 基于3D瞬态流场计算的滑动轴承动力性能研究
项目编号: No.51275452
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 郑水英
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 滑动轴承是旋转机械保持优良动力学品质的最关键部件,目前我国大型高速旋转机械使用的滑动轴承大部分是通过引进国外技术或仿照国外产品进行生产的,自主设计和创新能力不足。本项目提出了一种全新的适用于滑动轴承变流域流场计算的结构化动网格技术,通过自编程序和FLUENT用户接口实现了重新定义新网格及轴颈表面各节点的转动速度,同时通过自编程序对数据文件的实时监控,实现了流场-流场-转子的多重流固耦合计算,该技术为滑动轴承的三维瞬态流场分析及转子-轴承系统耦合动态特性研究奠定了扎实基础。本项目将建立一套高速转子-滑动轴承试验台,并通过动、静载荷的施加,使大型滑动轴承的试验条件与实际工况基本一致。然后通过大量的理论计算和实验研究揭示滑动轴承内部流场与转子系统稳定性之间的内在关系,研究影响轴承动力性能的关键因素,进而开发一种类似于椭圆轴承的多弧线滑动轴承,使其具有更高的稳定性,并为滑动轴承的工程设计提供依据。
中文关键词: 滑动轴承;流固耦合计算;3D瞬态流场;动网格算法;系统稳定性
英文摘要: Journal bearings are important parts to keep the high dynamic performance of rotor machinery. Most of our journal bearings are manufactured with imported technology. There is quite lack of the ability of independent design and innovation in our country. The most important reason for it is short of understanding in the interaction between the transient flow within the journal bearing and the stability of the rotor system. A new mesh movement approach is presented in the application to calculate the 3D transient flow of journal bearings. When the journal moves, the movement distance of every grid in the flow field can be calculated based on the structured mesh. Then the update of the volume mesh can be handled by user defined function (UDF). The journal displacement at each time step is obtained by solving the moving equations of the rotor-bearing system under the known oil film force condition. The data exchange between fluid dynamics and rotor dynamics is realized through data files. The fluid-fluid-structure coupled calculation is realized by monitoring the state of the exchange data files.This technique makes possible to study the dynamic behavior of journal bearing with complicated geometry. By 3D transient flow calculation it was found that small variation of the bearing geometry will cause significant diffe
英文关键词: Journal bearing;fluid structure interaction calculation;3D transient flow;dynamic mesh algorithm;system stability