项目名称: 原子隔离的VSbOx纳米簇催化丙烷氧化脱氢制丙稀反应的构效关系研究
项目编号: No.U1362105
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 化学工业
项目作者: 张海东
作者单位: 重庆工商大学
项目金额: 54万元
中文摘要: 在丙烷选择氧化脱氢制丙烯的研究中,钒基催化剂受到高度重视,制备出高度隔离的钒物种被认为是开发出高效钒基催化剂的关键。对单一组分的钒基催化剂而言,在载体表面生成高度隔离钒物种需要将表面钒浓度限制在很低的水平,而且这样制得的高度隔离钒物种在反应条件下稳定性不足,并且其所含的V─O─support键很难表征,导致对钒物种所关联的键位与催化性能关联的确切信息无法获得。锑钒复合氧化物稳定的-Sb-O-V-O-Sb-骨架可以得到高稳定性的、可被光谱表征方法直接表征的、原子隔离的钒物种。本项目开展锑钒复合氧化物纳米簇催化剂的制备和结构表征,并研究其在丙烷氧化脱氢制丙烯反应中的构效关系,希望为制备具有高度隔离活性位的催化剂提供可供借鉴的新思路;为开发丙烷选择氧化脱氢制丙烯的新型高效催化剂提供借鉴;为开发基于VSbOx复合氧化物的饱和低碳烃新选择氧化过程提供核心知识。
中文关键词: 选择氧化;丙烷;锑钒复合氧化物;活性位;纳米粒子
英文摘要: Vanadia-based catalysts have been paid much attention in the selective oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to produce propene. It has been found that the key-point for the development of highly effective vanadia-based catalysts is to obtain highly isolated vanadia active sites. However, huge barriers are still needed to be overcomed for the development of high effective vanadia-based catalysts due to the difficulties in the preparation of highly isolated VOx active sites, which structure needs to be stable under reaction conditions. Additionally, the V-O-support bonds of the VOx species on single component vanadia-based catalysts are hardly detectable and characterizable by spectrometric methods like Raman and thus the characterization of such catalysts as well as the studies on structure-performance relationship are inaccessible. Atom-isolated vanadia active sites can be achieved in virtue of the -Sb-O-V-O-Sb- frameworks of antimony-vanadium mixed oxide. Such atom-isolated vanadia active sites are stably anchored in the -Sb-O-V-O-Sb- frameworks and thus can keep stable under reaction conditions. Moreover, all bonds related to such atom-isolated vanadia active sites in -Sb-O-V-O-Sb- frameworks can be detected and characterized by means of spectrometric techniques like Raman and then the studies on the structu
英文关键词: Selective oxidation;Propane;Antimony-Vanadium mixed oxide;active sites;nano-particle