项目名称: 基于潜变量分析的城际公交需求生成机理研究
项目编号: No.51308018
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 严海
作者单位: 北京工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 城市化的发展的一个重要趋势就是城市群的形成,特别是在经济活动活跃的城市接壤地带,由经济一体化带动形成的城际交通服务方式更为多样、需求更为迫切。城际公交作为一种新的城际客运交通方式,出行区域特征、人群特点与城市内部的通勤交通有差异亦有相同,对其发生发展的认识也尚不足,因此有必要从需求机理的角度进行研究,把握客流生成特性和出行的决策过程,更好地发展城际公交服务。本研究首先对城际出行行为研究进行调查的设计,通过SP调查和RP调查,提取出行者产生城际交通需求的信息,而后根据信息特征,建立结构方程模型,运用路径分析和效用分析方法,研究影响城际交通出行方式选择、出行者决策过程的变量与潜变量的作用路径,接着在城际公交吸引力分析方面,应用情境效应分析方法,分析不同公交服务水平下,个体对城际公交服务的价值判断和选择概率变化。从而实现解析城际公交的需求机理的目标。
中文关键词: 城际公交;交通行为;结构方程模型;潜变量;交通方式选择
英文摘要: One of the most important trends of urbanization is the formation of urban cluster, especially in the border area of economically active cities. Economic integration spurs intercity transportation services becomes more diverse and more urgent needs. Intercity-bus as a new way of intercity passenger transportation, its area and population characteristics with the inner city commuter traffic generated differences and similarities, and understanding of its development is still insufficient. Thus, it is necessary to do some research in the perspective of demand mechanism, to grasp the formation characteristics of passenger flow and decision-making process, and make the development of the inter-city bus service much better. The study first designs the survey of intercity travel behavior research. Through SP investigation and RP surveys, the study extracts the travelers the intercity traffic demand information and then establish a structural equation model based on the information characteristics, using the method of path analysis and utility analysis, researches the variables and latent variables path which have impact intercity traffic travel mode choice and the affect the decision-making process of the traveler. Then, in the analysis of the attractiveness of the inter-city bus, using context effect analysis method
英文关键词: Inter-city Bus;Travel Behavio;Structural Equation Model;Latent Variable;Travel mode choice