项目名称: 功能吡咯共聚物/过渡金属氧化物复合材料的设计合成与储能特性研究
项目编号: No.U1304504
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 赵俊红
作者单位: 安阳师范学院
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 高容量、高倍率性能和循环稳定的电极材料开发是储能器件研究的热点和难点。针对目前纳米复合电极材料因不能同时高效传导电子和离子而导致的实际储能容量和转换效率远低于其理论值的问题,本项目拟选用几种磺酸功能化的吡咯单体与吡咯或噻吩进行化学氧化共聚,基于功能吡咯链节的磺酸基团的离子交换和掺杂作用,设计合成具有高效离子传输和固有电子传导的新型多功能导电聚合物材料。系统探讨功能吡咯共聚物的分子结构(单体结构、共聚单体比例)、共聚物的纳米结构和后处理方法(外掺杂、自掺杂、去掺杂)对其电化学性能(电子传输、离子传输、电容性能)的影响,揭示之间存在的构效关系;在此基础上,将此多功能化导电聚合物与过渡金属氧化物复合,以发挥过渡金属氧化物纳米材料的高循环稳定性和功能吡咯共聚物的高赝电容、高电子/离子传导的协同效应,达到进一步提高电极材料综合性能的目的。为储能器件电极材料的探索与开发提供新思路和理论基础。
中文关键词: 导电聚合物;过渡金属基材料;复合材料;储能;
英文摘要: Development of electrode materials with high energy, power density and good stability is one of the research hotspots and difficulties for novel energy storage devices. In the nano-structured hybrid electrode materials, it is challenging to efficient transport ion and electron at the same time, which makes that the actual energy density and conversion efficiency are more lower than their theoretical values. In order to address these issues, this project will design and synthesis of a type of multi-functional conducting copolymer materials with good ion conductivity, based on the ion exchange and doping of the introduced sulfonic groups, and intrinsic high electron conductivity by copolymerization of several pyrrole/thiophene monomers with pyrrole sulfonate monomers. The effect of the molecular structure, nano-structure morphology and the post-processing methods of the copolymers on the electrochemical performance will be systematically investigated to explore the structure-activity relationship between them. On the base of above results, these functionalized conducting polymers are used to fabricate composite materials with transition metal oxides, and various methods are adopted. It is expected that the composite materials could integrate the good cycle stability of transition metal oxides and the high pseudoca
英文关键词: conducting polymer;transition metal-based materials;composite materials;;