项目名称: 微波作用下PET解聚催化剂的选择与催化作用研究
项目编号: No.20874074
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 张东
作者单位: 温州大学
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 在微波辐射条件下,通过催化剂体系的选择、PET催化解聚过程的研究,我们发现:不同催化剂对于PET微波水解反应,产物具有唯一性;解聚反应是在PET颗粒内部和外部同时发生的。通过催化作用机理以及动力学的研究,我们发现:a.聚酯微波解聚不遵循一个动力学过程,而是由微波非热效应与热效应相互作用形成的至少两个相似步骤组成的一个具有周期性的动力学不连续过程;b.使用的催化剂具有明显催化作用,降低了反应的活化能,但没有改变由微波非热效应与热效应相互作用形成的具有周期性的动力学不连续过程;c.聚酯无规解聚生产于微波的非热效应;d.微波非连续加热可能达到同样的解聚效果。本课题的研究对微波非热效应与热效应的能量转换、微波能量的有效利用以及认识微波作用于化学反应的本质问题将会起到积极的作用。
中文关键词: 解聚;催化剂;催化作用;微波;聚酯
英文摘要: Catalytic processes of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) hydrolytic depolymerization by selecting different catalysts under microwave irradiation were studied in detail, we found that the product was uniqueness of PET depolymerization by using different catalysts, and the depolymerization reaction occurred in the interior and on the exterior of the PET simultaneously. The results of catalytic mechanisms and kinetics for PET depolymerization indicated that a. the microwave depolymerization of PET was not following one kinetic process, but a discontinuous kinetics process with periodicity involving two similar steps at least which resulted from the interactions of thermal effects and non-thermal effects of microwave irradiation; b. there was obvious catalytic effects for microwave depolymerization of PET by using catalysts, and the kinetic process was the same as that of no catalyst; c. the random chain scissioning of PET was resulted in the non-thermal effects of microwave irradiation; d. there could be the same effects for PET depolymerization when the discontinuous microwave irradiation was used. The invesgated results of this project would take positive effects for the energy conversions of thermal effects and non-thermal effects and the effective utilizations of microwave irradiation, and for understanding of the essence for microwave to chemical reactions.
英文关键词: depolymerization;catalyst;catalyzing;microwave;polyester