项目名称: LED植物灯用磷灰石结构氧化物荧光材料的制备和光学性能研究
项目编号: No.51302121
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 慈志鹏
作者单位: 兰州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: LED植物灯采用人工组合光源提高植物光合作用效率和生长速度,是未来植物工厂的重要组成部分,其中荧光粉效率是决定植物灯性能优劣的关键因素,本课题致力于能够在植物生长所需的蓝(紫)、红两辐射区高效发光的磷灰石结构氧化物荧光材料的研发和应用化探索。通过高温固相、水热等多种方法制备Ce、Eu、Mn等激活离子掺杂的磷灰石氧化物,进行能带结构、电子态密度等理论计算,XRD、吸收光谱、激发/发射光谱、量子产率及SEM/TEM等实验测试,通过理论结果与实验数据两方面比照,揭示其阳离子、四面体集团、通道离子等方面系统的变化带来的合成条件、光学性能、形貌特征、阳离子择优占位以及电子密度微结构等方面的变化规律,并在此基础上进行LED封装测试,分析LED器件光/色/电各参数及光/热衰减变化,讨论封装工艺各环节对荧光材料的制备要求及发光特性的影响,为实现实验室向产业化过渡提供科学数据和理论指导。
中文关键词: 荧光材料;磷灰石;光学特性;能量传递;热稳定性
英文摘要: LED plant lamp adopts artificial light in order to improve the photosynthesis efficiency and the growth rate, which is the major component for the future plant factory. Phosphors are the key point to determine the quality of plant lamp. This project works for the research and application of efficient apatite oxide phosphors with the plant-boosting blue (purple) and red emitting. We synthesize rare earth ions doped apatite oxide phosphors via high temperature solid state method, hydrothermal method and so on. Through the comparison of theoretical calculation and the experimental results such as XRD, absorption spectrum, excitation-emission spectrum, quantum yield, SEM and TEM, We can disclose the law of synthesis, optical properties, morphology, cation preferential occupation, micro-structure of electronic density along with the changes of tetrahedron groups and ions. Based on that, we fabricate the LED lamp, and analyze the varieties of photo-color-electricity parameters and photo-thermal decay of that, and discuss the influence of encapsulating techniques on the preparation requirements and luminescent characteristics. Meantime of developing new fluorescent materials, we may provide some scientific data and theoretic guide to link the laboratory to the application.
英文关键词: fluorescent materials;apatite;luminescence properties;energy transfer;thermal stabilities