项目名称: 冷热温度激化抑制果蔬衰变的机理研究
项目编号: No.51276124
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 杨昭
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 95万元
中文摘要: 我国果蔬采后损失较大,而化学保鲜方法的应用日益受到限制,因此科学有效的果蔬物理保鲜相关基础研究已成为重要课题。果蔬采后温度激化处理具有抗衰老、保鲜效果显著、投资少、操作简便等诸多优势,但相关研究还处于试验摸索阶段且多数侧重于其生物学效应层面,而在果蔬温度激化过程中的生物传热特性、激化过程对果蔬生理指标影响规律、抑制果蔬衰变及冷害机理等方面的研究较少,使得温度激化过程的关键参数缺乏深层次科学依据支持。本项目拟运用非稳态热力学和传热学、与植物生理学等交叉学科理论,结合果蔬生理生化测试,建立果蔬温度激化处理试验系统,探索温度激化过程中果蔬组织温度动态响应特性与果蔬贮藏期间生命活力的相互作用规律,剖析温度激化处理抑制果蔬冷害及品质衰变的作用机理,确定温度激化果蔬保鲜效果量化评价方法及温度激化过程参数优化方法,为实施高品质的果蔬采后物理保鲜技术提供科学依据及基础数据支持。
中文关键词: 果蔬;温度激化;传热;贮藏品质;最优化
英文摘要: In China, the losses of postharvest fruits and vegetables are heavy. However, the application of chemical preservative methods has become more and more restricted. In the field of fruits and vegetables preservation, scientific and effective physical methods and related basic research have become important subjects. Cold and heat shock treatments have many advantages, such as good storage quality, less investment and simple operation. However, the related researches are still at an initial stage and focus on their biological effects to fruits and vegetables. Many respects, such as heat transfer characteristics during treatments, influence law to physiological and biochemical characteristics of fruits and vegetables and inhibitory mechanism on chilling injury, should also be studied. Combined with physiochemical tests, we intended to use theories of heat transfer, mathematics, and physiology to study the dynamic response characteristics of tissue temperature and its interaction law with life vigor of fruits and vegetables in our subject. Meanwhile, their inhibition mechanism on chilling injury and senescence of fruits and vegetables would be studied. We also want to get a quantitative evaluation method of storage quality and a optimization method of cold and heat shock treatments parameter. It would provide basis
英文关键词: Fruit and vegetable;Temperature shock treatment;Heat transfer;Storage quality;Optimization