项目名称: 基于儿童认知的实物编程环境研究
项目编号: No.61272325
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 王丹力
作者单位: 中国科学院软件研究所
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 针对计算机在儿童教育领域越来越广泛的应用趋势以及适合儿童编程软件缺乏的现状,本项目在探究儿童认知和计算思维的基础上,研究面向儿童的实物交互技术及儿童实物编程语言,开发儿童实物编程环境原型,力图为儿童提供易学易用的编程环境,帮助儿童学习计算机基本知识,培养其计算思维能力。项目主要从以下几方面开展工作:研究儿童认知和计算思维,为设计开发儿童应用软件提供基础;结合儿童的认知特征,研究儿童实物交互技术;研究儿童实物编程语言、编程块设计以及实物编程语言的识别理解技术;开发一种适合儿童的实物编程环境原型;研究儿童体验评估方法,并对编程原型进行评估,以提升编程原型的用户可接受度。面向儿童的实物编程环境原型将填补国内儿童编程软件的空白,还将为新手学习编程提供一种可行的模式。同时,本项目的研究对促进我国儿童软件技术和应用研究有重要的意义和价值,更为从小培养儿童的计算思维能力提供了可行的途径。
中文关键词: 儿童认知;计算思维;实物交互;实物编程;评估
英文摘要: Given that computers have been widely used in children's education and the current lack of children's programming software, this project is to explore tangible user interaction and tangible programming languages for children, on the basis of child cognition research and computational thinking. We strive to provide children with an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use programming environment, to help them understand basic programming concepts and develop their computational thinking abilities. The project focuses on the following aspects: research on children's cognitive and computational thinking skills as the basis for developing children's software applications; combining the characteristics of children's cognition to explore tangible user interaction for children; research on children's tangible programming languages, the design of tangible programming blocks, and technology for the identification and comprehension of the tangible programming languages; developing a suitable prototype of children's tangible programming environment; studying children's experience assessment methods to evaluate the programming prototype, and finally improving its accessibility. This children-oriented physical programming environment prototype will not only fill the void in the field of children's programming software in China, but wil
英文关键词: children cognition;computational thinking;tangible interaction;tangible programming;evaluation