项目名称: 折叠式三维金属/介质复合结构的加工方法及光学调控特性研究
项目编号: No.11504414
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘哲
作者单位: 中国科学院物理研究所
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 三维光学结构具有较大的可调控自由度,在与光相互作用过程中表现出比二维结构更多的新奇特性,但受到传统平面工艺的限制,目前金属三维光学结构的制备较为困难且空间取向不能灵活控制,严重制约了其基础和应用研究进展。针对这些问题,本项目提出折叠式三维金属/介质复合结构的加工新方法,以自支撑绝缘介质薄膜及其上面二维金属结构为载体,利用载能粒子束扫描方法制备出折叠式三维金属/介质结构,能够有效解决三维金属结构难以自由空间取向和三维金属结构与衬底之间导通等难题,为多样性的光学调控研究提供了可靠的技术途径。本项目拟研究粒子束与介质材料的相互作用及对其形变的控制过程,通过优化三维金属/介质复合结构参数,研究不同空间取向、图形组合对表面等离激元共振、局域场增强、光与多物理量耦合的影响,阐明三维光学结构中各种响应模式之间的耦合机制,获得最佳的光学调控特性,探索高灵敏度光学探测、三维光互联和主动控制等新型光学器件。
中文关键词: 人工微结构;微环;微纳制备技术;物理方法;纳米光刻
英文摘要: 3D optical structures have more degrees of freedom compared to 2D structures, which have more novel properties when interacting with light. However, the fabrication techniques of 3D optical metal structures is now an obstacle due to the limitation by traditional planar technology, and the orientation of 3D structures can not be controlled flexibly, thus restricts the fundamental and application research. We propose a new technique for the fabrication of folded 3D metal/dielectric structures based on suspended dielectric film with 2D metal patterns on it, which can be folded by energetic beam of particles. This can control the orientation of 3D structure freely and prevent shortcut between 3D structures and substrates, providing effective approach for diversity optical modulation. The interaction process between beam of particles and dielectric films will be studied systematically in order to explain the mechanism of shape manipulation of 3D structures. The effect of spatial orientation and structure combination on surface plasmon, localized field enhancement and coupling between light and other physical quantities will also be studied by optimizing the parameters of 3D composite structures. This can help to explain the coupling mechanism between different response modes on 3D structures, obtain optimized light modulation properties, and for the preparation of optical devices including sensors with high sensitivity, 3D light interconnection and active devices.
英文关键词: artificial micro-structures;micro-rings;micro/nano fabrication;physical method;nano lithography