项目名称: 纳米结构的复合催化电极设计及电化学催化还原脱氯研究
项目编号: No.51208267
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 焦永利
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水体中含氯有机物污染治理愈来愈受到人们的重视。近年来催化还原脱氯新技术的研究以及在有机物脱氯应用研究方面发展迅速。研究的重点和难点一是要对催化材料与有机物之间的作用机理进行有效识别,以此开发理想的高催化活性电极材料,二是要对开发的催化材料要进行合理的结构设计,提高实际应用中的脱氯效率。 本项目将首先利用电化学手段对含氯有机物在单一金属和多种金属复合催化剂表面的电化学行为进行表征,并进行电化学脱氯试验,探索还原脱氯微观过程和机理,区分和筛选有效催化的金属催化剂种类和组合。然后,拟利用电化学方法,制备尺寸可控的纳米粒子,选择合适基底和模板保护,进而制备不同尺寸、形态和结构的二维电极表面结构和负载型催化粒子,设计组建合理有效的电多相还原脱氯试验设备,对含氯废水进行脱氯试验。 课题旨在研究新型复合催化电极材料的纳米结构设计、形态与脱氯功能之关系,探索含氯废水处理新思路。
中文关键词: 纳米结构;催化还原脱氯;含氯有机物;石墨烯;
英文摘要: In recent years removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons in surface water has attracted much attention.Catalytic reductive dechlorination is a promising approach and developed fast in degradation of chlorinated hydrocabons.However, it is urgent to distinguish the reaction effect between the organics and the electrode materials, based on that to develop effective catalysits. Another question in dechlorination is to design of ideal structure to improving the effiency of dechlorination. In our study we will investigated the electrochemical properties of chlorinated hydrocarbons on surface of single catalytic electrode and composite electrode materials,respectively. Based on that we will have selected the kinds of metals for preparating the catalytic electrodes. Then we will prepare size-controlled nanoparticles by electrochemical methods and fabricate them into two dimensional materials with different size,shape and configuration.We will also load the nanoparticles to other supporting meterials to form composite catalytic materials, with them building suitable heterogeneous electrocatalytic equipment for dechlorination experiment. The aim of this word is to develop novel composite nanostructured electrodes for catalytic dechlorination,to find the relation between catalytic eletrode and dechlorination reaction.I
英文关键词: nanostructure;catalytic reductive dechlorination;dechlorinated hydrocarbons;graphene;