项目名称: 电纺双相前驱体制备纳米莫来石纤维及其微结构和机械性能研究
项目编号: No.51502196
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 郭安然
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 项目针对纳米莫来石纤维气凝胶对高性能纳米莫来石纤维的迫切需求,开展静电纺丝工艺制备纳米莫来石纤维的相关问题研究。鉴于莫来石双相前驱体分子链聚合程度低,纺丝性能差的不足,项目提出具有长分子链的聚甲基硅氧烷-铝溶胶的设计思路,从而实现莫来石静电纺丝前驱体的双相化。分析双相前驱体在纺丝溶液中的键链结构及纺丝特性,明确前驱体纤维在高温烧结过程中聚甲基硅氧烷和铝溶胶的分解及相转变过程。对莫来石纤维的显微结构与机械性能进行表征,分析纤维的断裂机制,阐明晶粒形貌及结构缺陷对纤维机械性能的影响规律,进而明确双相前驱体在制备机械性能优良的莫来石纤维上的优势。此项的目完成可推动纳米莫来石气凝胶的发展,同时项目所设计的双相前驱体也为溶胶凝胶甩丝法制备微米级莫来石纤维或其他方法制备复杂形状莫来石提供了一种新型的双相前驱体。
中文关键词: 莫来石;纤维;静电纺丝;显微结构调控
英文摘要: The research of electrospinning mullite nanofibers was carried out in order to meet the demand of the fabrication of mullite nanofibrous aerogel. Due to the low polymerization degree of the mullite diphasic precursor, the polymethylsilicone-alumina sol diphasic precursor with a long molecular chain was designed to facilitate the fabrication of mullite fibers by electrospinning the diphasic precursor. The molecular structure and the electrospinnability of the diphasic precursor were investigated, and the pyrolysis process and phase transformation of the polymethylsilicone and alumina sol were discussed. Based on the characterization of the microstructure and physical properties of the mullite nanofibers, the fracture mechanism of mullite nanofibers were discussed and the effect of the mullite crystal morphology and the existed defects on the fiber’s mechanical properties were explained in order to show the advantage of using diphasic precursor for the fabrication of mullite fibers. This research would promote the development of the mullite nanofibrous aerogel. In addition, the diphasic precursor designed in this work could also be used to produce mullite microfibers and other mullite ceramics with complicated shape.
英文关键词: mullite;fiber;electrospinning;microstructure tailoring