项目名称: 港口集疏运体系下的集装箱甩挂运输组织优化研究
项目编号: No.71302044
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 徐奇
作者单位: 大连海事大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 集装箱甩挂运输是指牵引车按照预定的运行计划,在货物装卸作业点甩下所拖的挂车(或集装箱),换上其他挂车(或集装箱)继续运行的运输组织方式。集装箱甩挂运输在我国仍处于起步阶段,是交通运输部近年来重点推广的运输模式。服务于港口集疏运体系的集装箱甩挂运输,是提高港口集疏运效率、减少港口拥堵的重要环节,在我国产业界具有巨大的发展潜力。而现行理论界的研究相对较为滞后,且大多为结合特定案例开展的定性分析与实证研究,缺乏定量的分析技术支撑和实际应用价值。 本研究围绕集装箱甩挂运输"多机同步作业"的基本特征,针对服务于港口集疏运体系、多式联运下的集装箱甩挂运输组织优化问题展开深入研究。为具有用户运输路径选择随机性的甩挂系统设计适宜的组合运作模式;优化牵引车、挂车、集装箱三类互补性资源的保有量和配比关系;在此基础上,提出上述组合运作模式与资源配置下的甩挂运输调度优化方法,为集装箱甩挂运输的发展提供决策支持。
中文关键词: 集装箱甩挂;港口集疏运;运作模式;运力配置;作业调度
英文摘要: Container drayge operation is such a mode of transport that, according to the predetermined operation plan, the tractor drops a trailer (or container) at the loading/unloading node, and pull another trailer (or container) to keep operating. The container drayge operation is still in its infancy in China, and gets the focused promotion by the Ministry of Transport. Serving for the configuration and consolidation system in a port, container drayge operation is a key factor to improve the port configuration and consolidation efficiency, and reduce the port congestion. The mode has a huge potential for develoment in domestic industry. However, current theoretical researches are relative lagged behind, most of which are qualitative analysis and empirical researches combined with specific cases. Quantitative analysis and practical application value are not enough. Based on the 'synchronized operation by multi-machines' characteristic of the container drayge operation, this project makes intensive research on organization and optimization on container drayge operation system, which serves for the configuration and consolidation system in a port, in the multimodal transport system. Firstly, the suitable combined operation mode for the drayge system, in which the choice of customer in routes is stochastic, is designe
英文关键词: container drayage;configuration and consolidation in a port;operation mode;traffic capacity deployment;operation scheduling