项目名称: 西藏色季拉山土壤微生物的海拔梯度分异与温度变化响应
项目编号: No.41461055
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地质学
项目作者: 曹丽花
作者单位: 西藏农牧学院
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳排放的一个重要来源,与温度间具有正反馈效应。土壤呼吸对温度变化的响应依赖于根系和微生物,而二者对温度变化的敏感性并不一致。西藏高原高海拔区升温幅度较低海拔区高,这使不同海拔高度区土壤微生物种群和活性也将存在差异。本项目采用自然海拔梯度上不同类型土壤研究土壤微生物的种群数量和微生物呼吸海拔梯度分异规律;同时通过相同类型土壤在不同海拔高度上的移位培养实验,研究海拔高度对土壤微生物数量及活性的影响,及对温度变化的敏感性。旨在回答:1、不同海拔高度上土壤微生物真菌、细菌种群数量、及微生物呼吸时空变化特征;2、不同海拔高度气候条件对土壤微生物特性的影响效应如何;3、高海拔区土壤微生物的温度反应是否敏感于低海拔区;最终为深入理解土壤呼吸碳排放的的微生物过程及对温度变化的响应与机制,和未来气候变化情景下不同海拔高度土壤呼吸碳排放的预测提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 土壤碳循环;温室气体;环境响应与适应;全球变化
英文摘要: Soil respiration is the major source of CO2 from terrestrial ecosystems, is a component flux of soil microbial and root respiration, and has a positive feedback with temperature. The response of soil respiration to temperature depends on the roots and microbe, but the roots and microbial respiration temperature sensitivity are not consistent. However, a critical issue has been raised soil microbial respiration how responds to the temperature change.The increases in warming at high elevations more significant than low elevations,which makes the activity and populations of microbial was different along an elevation gradient. We will use five soils type from different elevation gradient Sejila mountain, and take the soil in high elevation to low elevation, low elevation soil to high elevation, soil microbial respiration rates and bacteria, fungi biomass response to elevation gradient will be analysed. The project is to answer the questions: (1)the spatial and temporal variation of soil fungi and bacteria biomass and microbial respiration rate change along an elevation gradient; (2)responses of soil microbial communities and respiration to climatic conditions of different elevation; (3)does has a higher temperature sensitivity in high elevation than low elevation soils. Finally, the study will provide the scientific basis for understanding of microbial processes in soil respiration CO2 emission and the response to temperature change and mechanisms,and provide of soil respiration CO2 emission with climate warming in different elevation.
英文关键词: soil Carbon cycle;Greenhouse gas;Environmental response and adaptation;Global change